2024. 5.30-6.12024年度 環境バイオテクノロジー学会 宮崎大会


The annual conference of Japan Society for Environmental Biotechnology was held in Miyazaki City.


We stopped at Itami Airport(Osaka), a transit point from New Chitose Airport, and met up with former postdoctoral researcher Dr. Z. Wang (currently at Osaka University). From left: Radovan, Oofuku, Shigyo, Inada, Professor Morikawa, and D. Wang.









Miyazaki has many trees that can’t be seen in Hokkaido, such as bougainvillea (flower of the soul) and phoenix (bird never die).












もちろん、しっかり発表もしました。Of course, we made a solid poster presentation. 



最終日には、廣瀬 遵2023年度大会実行委員長(宮崎大学)の計らいで実現した霧島酒造(株)工場見学会(エクスカーション)に参加しました。環境に配慮した先端的な製造プロセスを学ぶことができました。

We also participated in an excursion to Kirishima Suzo Co., Ltd. which was made realized by the arrangement of Prof. Jun Hirose at Miyazaki Univ. who is a chairman of this year conference. We were able to learn about cutting-edge manufacturing processes of shochu that are environmentally friendly.


Let’s do our best again from tomorrow!
