2023. 11. 6.コンケン大学教員の短期研修(Be-HoBiD)2023

コンケン大学工学部環境工学科のチョエイサイ パイラヤ先生が、ウキクサ共生微生物に関する実験や新型ガスクロマトグラフ装置の扱い方とデータ解析などのBe-HoBiD技術を学ばれました。先生はとても日本語が上手なので懇親会でもすぐに打ち解けて、時間の経つのを忘れるほど盛り上がりました。

Dr. Choeisai Pairaya from the Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, learned Be-HoBiD technology, including experiments on duckweed symbiotic microorganisms, how to operate new model gas chromatograph equipment, and data analysis. She speaks Japanese very well, so we were able to get to know her easily at her welcome party. It was so much fun that we forgot the time had passed.
