2023. 2. 2.2022年度 理学部生物科学科卒業研究発表会



小山内 巧「Chryseobacterium属細菌27ALが産生する殺藍藻活性物質の同定」(伊藤賞)

武井 陸「メタン発酵消化液に生息する植物成長促進細菌の探索」

For the first time in three years under COVID, a face-to-face graduation research presentation was held at the Faculty of Science Building No. 5 Hall.  The Morikawa Lab presented the following two posters, both of which were highly acclaimed. Good Job!

“Identification of functional compounds produced by Chryseobacterium strain 27AL that kills cyanobacteria” (Ito Prize) by Takumi Osanai

“Isolation of plant growth-promoting bacteria from methane fermentation digested liquid” by Riku Takei
