2019. 9. 9-12.第5回 ウキクサ研究応用国際会議イスラエル大会 5th International Conference on Duckweed Research and Application (5th ICDRA), Rehovot, Israel

2年に1度開催される世界のウキクサ研究者の成果発表会が今回は、イスラエルのワイツマン研究所(大会委員長はエデルマン教授)で開催され、参加しました。参加者は過去最高の90名を超え、いかにウキクサが注目されているかが伺われました。ウキクサ成長促進細菌について森川先生が招待講演し、博士研究員のジョグ博士と M1の大貫 瞳さんがポスター発表しました。そして、みごと最優秀発表賞(副賞 $500)がジョグ博士に授与されました。おめでとうございます!ジョグ博士は 2015年に京都大学で開催された第3回大会でも優秀賞を受賞していて、今回で2回目の受賞という快挙を成し遂げました。これは、同氏の努力の成果と共に植物−微生物相互作用の研究分野が多くの注目を集めていることを意味しています。



5th International Conference on Duckweed Research and Application (5th ICDRA, Chairman Prof. Marvin Edelman) was held at Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovoto, Israel. This is a biennial event of the world duckweed researchers meet together. Participants of this year exceeded 90 peoples, the most ever, which means how duckweed is attracting attention in both science and business. Prof. Morikawa gave an invited talk on duckweed growth-promoting bacteria, and two posters were presented by postdoctoral fellow Dr. Rahul Jog and M1 Hitomi Onuki. It was fortunate that Dr. Jog was awarded the Best Presentation Award ($ 500 extra prize) among thirty-two posters. Congratulations! Dr. Jog had been awarded the Excellence Award at the 3rd conference held at Kyoto University in 2015, and this was the second time achievement. This means not only his continuously great efforts but also the research field of plant-microbe interactions have received high attention.

And we felt even more happy to meet again with Dr. Theodore Muth (Ted) at CUNY who stayed at Morikawa Lab for two months this summer. Ted did a post-doc researcher at the Hebrew University and his parents in law are living in Jerusalem. He and the parents gave us kind and heart warming hospitality during our stay. On the last day of the conference, he did a tough long driver himself and took us several sightseeing areas. The photo shows Lake Galilee, famous for many miracles of Jesus Christ. Dr. Morikawa was very much moved to visit there. Thank you Ted! We are looking forward to seeing you next time in New York.

