2019. 8. 29-30.第10回インドネシア微生物学会国際シンポジウム (10th ISISM) 10th International Seminar of Indonesian Society for Microbiology at Surakarta

森川先生がインドネシア微生物学会から招待を受け、“Wonderful Functions of Environmental Bacteria at Surfaces and Interfaces”- Beneficial biofilms in the environment -を講演されました(写真上)。招待講演者のなかに森川研の初代卒業生(出来事 2018. 5. 16.参照)とタイ国立遺伝子生命工学研究センター(BIOTECH)で同僚の研究員も来られていて、一気にうちとけて話が盛り上がったそうです。研究者の世界も広いようで案外と狭いのかも知れません。あいにくデスィさん(FY2015卒)はオーストラリアの名門クィーンズランド大学博士課程に在学中のため再会はかないませんでしたが、森川先生の滞在中の手はずを万端に整えてくださっていたそうです。旧友のガジャマダ大学教授イルファン プリヤムバダ先生とドニー先生とも、今後の研究交流計画などについて意見交換できて大変充実した出張だったそうです。また、会場から車で1時間ほどのジャワ原人が発見された博物館はヒトのルーツがわかりやすく展示されていたとのことで、日本人考古学者の貢献も称えられていたそうです(写真下:コマリア先生と同行学生アニスさんと共に)。


Prof. Dr. Morikawa was invited by the Indonesian Microbial Society and gave a lecture on “Wonderful Functions of Environmental Bacteria at Surfaces and Interfaces”-Beneficial biofilms in the environment-(above photo). Surprisingly, there was a colleague of Morikawa Lab graduate (see the event 2018. 5. 16.) at Thailand’s National Center for Genetics and Biotechnology (BIOTECH) among the invited speakers. Dr. Morikawa suddenly felt relax with him and enjoyed talking very much. The world of researchers seems to be wide but it in fact may be unexpectedly small. Unfortunately, Ms. Desi Utami, who was an graduate FY2015, could not meet Dr. Morikawa this time because she is currently a doctoral student at University of Queensland in Australia. Dr. Morikawa also got chance to discuss about future research exhange plan etc. with his long-time good friends at Universitat Gadjah Mada, Professor Irfan D. Prijambada and Dr. Donnie Widianto. In addition, there is a museum at the place where Javanese native was found which locates at an hour by car from the venue. They exhibited human roots nicely in an easy-to-understand manner, and the contribution of Japanese archeologists was also fortunately praised (bottom photo: (Appreciation to Dr. Komariah and accompanying student Anise).
