2019. 6. 20.- 8. 20.ニューヨーク州立大学セオドア・ムス先生の研究室訪問 Assoc. Prof. Theodore R. Muth at CUNY Brooklyn College visited the laboratory

ニューヨーク州立大学生物学科のセオドア ムス准教授がご家族と共に約2ケ月間森川研究室に滞在し、ウキクサ共生細菌について共同研究を進められました。毎日朝8時には実験をはじめられ、植物園のウキクサ収穫作業にも積極的に参加され研究室にとても良い刺激を与えて頂きました。セミナーも、「植物形質転換に欠かせないアグロバクテリウムの感染性」と「ニューヨークの微生物多様性」に関する2つの話題を提供して頂き、とても勉強になりました。すこしは英会話も上達したかなあ?
Associate Professor Theodore Muth, Department of Biology, City University of New York, stayed at the Morikawa Laboratory for about two months with his family, and proceeded joint research on duckweed symbiotic bacteria. He started experiment every day at 8:00 am and also participated actively in the duckweed harvesting work at the HU botanic garden, which motivated students much. He also provided us with two topics in the seminars first, on infectivity of Agrobacterium tumefaciens useful for plant transformation technology and second, on microbial diversity in New York City, a city with most active human activity in the world. Both topics are very useful for all of memers at the Molecular Environmental Biology Laboratory.