2016. 8. 30.日本学術振興会「バイオ新領域を拓く熱帯性環境微生物の国際研究拠点形成」国際セミナー at バンコク
国際研究拠点形成(代表者山口大学 山田 守教授)による
国際セミナー”Plant-microbe interaction. Friendship and warship”
International Joint Seminar on “Plant-Microbe Interaction. Friendship and Warship”
in the project of Yamaguchi Univ. “Establishment of an international research core for new
bio-research fields with microbes from tropical areas” sponsored by JSPS.
Prof. M. Morikawa gave a talk in Bangkok, Thailand and exchanged research idea at Chulalongkorn University with Assoc. Prof. J. Thaniyavarn and alumna Dr. N. Roongsawang and Dr. C. Boonmak.