北海道大学 大学院 環境科学院 生物圏科学専攻



高 宛愉
Acoustic estimation of standing stock and distribution of hairtai “Trichiurus japonicus “in Bungo Channel, Japan
(音響手法を用いた日本豊後水道域におけるタチウオ”Trichiurus japonicus”の現存及び分布域の推定)

阿部 博哉
(Studies on the role of primary producer diversity and suspension-feeding bivalves in the lower trophic ecosystem in subarctic estuaries and lagoons –integration between field observation and numerical modelling-)

邵 花梅
Study on characteristics and variations of “Saccharina japonica “forests distribution around the Tsugaru Strait by acoustic method

雨谷 教弘
Clarification of vegetation dynamics in alpine ecosystems under climate change : Responses of “Pinus pumila “and snow-meadow communities

園木 詩織
(Study on distribution and ecosystem services quantification of seagrass beds using acoustic method)

栗林 貴範
(Historical evaluation of nutrient supply characteristics of the Japan Sea off Hokkaido with the hydrographic monitoring and δ15N records in paleo-“Saccharina” specimens)

若林 紘子
Theoretical and empirical examinations of multiple paternity as an index of multiple male mating

熊野 貴宏
The potential of witloof chicory (“cicnorium intubus “L.) for stimulating the utilization of biomass resources derived from livestock wastes

ジン イ Jin Lee
The effects of large-scale N fetilization on the interaction between plants and herbivorous insects in a deciduous broadleaved forest

井上 貴央
Studies on the influences of trees and understory vegetation on the soil nitrogen dynamics in a cool-temperate mixed forest

高津 邦夫
Ecological impacts of predator gigantism: experimental studies using cannibalistic salamanders

杉目 康広
Molecular developmental mechanisms of soldier-specific morphogenesis in a termite

ティワリ ラビ モハン Tiwari Ravi Mohan
Dynamic properties of subalpine coniferous forests in Nepal Himalaya and Hokkaido

乃美 大佑
Paternal roles on the facultative multiple breeding of Japanese tit

辻 泰世
(Spatial changes in microalgal biomass in a subarctic estuary (Lake Furen):multidimensional evaluation based on concurrent quantification of phytoplankton, microphytobenthos, and epiphytes)

岩原 由佳
(Studies on spatial distribution and habitat of Pacific whitesided dolphins in eastern Hokkaido, Japan)

寺内 菜々
Chemotaxis and phototaxis of gametes in brown algae having two heterogeneous flagella

朝倉 一星
Evaluation of wild genetic resources and development of tissue culture system in “Actinidia” species
(”Actinidia” 属植物における野生遺伝資源の評価と組織培養系の開発に関する研究)

Morphological and molecular systematics of Southeast Asian spiny rats (“genus Maxomys”) with descriptions of two new species from Indonesia
(未記載種2種を含む東南アジア産トゲネズミ類(”Maxomys” 属)の形態学的並びに分子系統学的研究

北海道大学 大学院 環境科学院 / 地球環境科学研究院
