北海道大学 大学院 環境科学院 生物圏科学専攻


北方生態系の生物多様性基礎論(大学院共通授業科目)について about “Fundamental Lecture in Biodiversity of Northern Ecosystems” (in Inter Graduate School Classes).


We would like to inform you about “Fundamental Lecture in Biodiversity of Northern Ecosystems” (in Inter Graduate School Classes).



 なお、受講生の人数把握のため、受講を希望するものはできるだけ10月5日までに工藤岳(gaku@ees.hokudai.ac.jp) へ連絡をお願いします。その際、対面式かオンラインのみの受講かをお知らせ下さい。

Lecture announcement

“Fundamental Lecture in Biodiversity of Northern Ecosystems”

This course will start on October 7 (Wed. 14:45~16:15) at room D101, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science. Online classes are also available for this course. The classes of this course are conducted by 15 teachers under different topics in ecology.

  Please check ELMS (Group “Fundamental Course in Biodiversity of Northern Ecosystems”) before taking the course. The connection destinations for online classes will be posted in the notification section a few days before each class.

  Participants of this course are recommended to send an e-mail to Associate Prof. Gaku Kudo (gaku@ees.hokudai.ac.jp) in advance by October 5 in which let us know which do you want for attendance at the classes, at room D101 or online only.

北海道大学 大学院 環境科学院 / 地球環境科学研究院
