This course focuses on the mechanisms of creation, maintenance and decline of biological diversity, paying attention to environment structure, population structure, spatial genetic structure, and biological interaction.
This course focuses on the population dynamics under environmental changes, biological interactions, and developmental and environmental adaptations in mammals, insects and plants, especially paying attention to their genetic systems and genetic diversity.
Shigeyuki Koshikawa, Professor 進化発生生物学、分子遺伝学、自然史 ショウジョウバエを対象に、発生生物学や遺伝学の手法を用いて、模様形成のメカニズムとその進化を研究しています。また、地下に適応した昆虫が視覚をどのように退化させていったのかを形態学とゲノミクスの両面から研究しています。時間スケールが長く形の変化を伴う、いわゆる大進化に注目し、どのような遺伝子がどのような制御ネットワークを構築することが大進化につながるかを明らかにしようとしています。
In this course, we conduct research and education spanning various fields, including molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, ecology, bioinformatics, and biotechnology. Our study organisms span a wide spectrum, including plants (herbs, trees, algae), bacteria, fungi, and animals (mammals, insects). We are committed to cutting-edge research in diverse topics, such as (1) utilization techniques for plant growth-promoting microorganisms, (2) plant mineral transport, (3) function of plant seeds, (4) photosynthesis and environmental responses in evergreen trees and algae, (5) decomposition of trees using wood-decaying fungi, (6) the physiology, ecology, and evolution of microorganisms, (7) metagenome of microorganisms, (8) insect defense mechanisms, and (9) the molecular mechanisms of mammalian hibernation.
This course focuses on the interactions that determine the distribution and abundance of animals, paying attention to animal behavior, population dynamics, biological interaction, and community organization. The educational and research activities also cover wild animal conservation and ecosystem management in aquatic and terrestrial environments.
Satoshi D. Ohdachi, Assistant Professor 哺乳動物学、動物生態学、人と動物の関係誌 おもに小型哺乳動物を中心とする脊椎動物を対象に、生物地理学的な歴史過程と生態学的な研究を行っています。ユーラシアや北米の寒冷地域から東南アジア、インド洋海域やキューバの熱帯域までほぼ世界中がフィールドです。主に動物の移動や進化の過程を分子系統学や遺伝学、生態学的手法で行っています。また稀少種のキューバソレノドンの保護のための基礎研究も主要な目的としています。さらに最近では動物の分布の変遷におよぼす人間活動の影響の研究にも力を入れています。
This course focuses on the mechanisms of response and adaptation of various aquatic organisms (algae, plankton, squid, fish, marine mammal) against their living environments from freshwater (river, lake, bog) to marine (coastal and open sea) ecosystems. Research and education are carried out from the molecular and cell biology to the population and community ecology. HOME | FSC – FieldScienceCenterforNorthernBiosphere of HokkaidoUniversity (
This course provides teachings on the characteristics for the biological production processes in the various marine environments and of the biological responses and adaptations to the environmental changes. The educational and research activities cover physiological and ecological understandings of the relationship between marine environmental factors and biological production processes through field, and chemical and biological laboratory works.
To understand biodiversity and functions of forest ecosystems, we conduct a variety of research projects in our vast experimental forests. In the world’s largest university forest, graduate students address their thesis research focusing on particular topic. Our studies cover wide variety of topics such as ecology and evolution of wildlife, ecological interactions, global warming, atmosphere pollution, invasive species, and land use conservation, etc.
Reliable and efficient agricultural management systems are required to make sure of stable and future sustainable food production.In the Agro-Ecosystem course, staff belonging to the Experiment Farm and Livestock Farm in the Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University offer education and research programs on the characterization of agricultural lands and clarification of relationships between environments and biological production in agricultural lands as well as the development and utilization of available agricultural resources to ensure sustainable agriculture production and renewable energy production. We do research into the establishment of crop and livestock production systems suitable for cool climatic regions such as Hokkaido. We also do research into genetic improvement of crops and livestock. Two lectures are offered. One is an Advanced Course in Environment and Management in Crop Production, in which students will understand characteristics of biological, chemical and physical environments in agricultural land and facilities, and learn how to improve the environments of agricultural land in terms of both productivity and sustainability. The other is an Advanced Course in Environment and Management in Livestock Production, in which students will understand characteristics of environments in grasslands and barns, and learn about environment creation, supply of feeds and waste treatment systems for livestock production.