Welcome to Animal Ecology course!
We are studying various topics in ecology, evolution, behavior, and conservation of wildlife, including mammals, birds, amphibians, fishes, and some invertebrates. For more details, please refer to the websites of individual laboratory!
Course member
April 2021
Takashi NODA (lab website)
Community ecology, Population ecology, Marine Ecology
We are seeking to understand dynamics of rocky intertidal ecosystem. What is
spatiotemporal patterns in distribution and abundance of these organisms?
What mechanisms underlie the observed patterns? What are the ecological
consequences of rare event? These are main questions that we are struggling
to answer.
Associate professor
Naoki AGETSUMA (lab website)
Ecological adaptation of wild mammals to environmental fluctuations
Wildlife are exposed to natural fluctuation and various artificial
disturbances in space and time. We are interested in how they adapt their
ecology (behaviors, food habit, habitat use etc.) to these environmental
fluctuations. We are also researching basic ecological traits of wild
Associate professor
Osamu KISHIDA (lab website)
Ecology of individual phenotypes: experimental approach using amphibian larvae
I focus on how ecological factors determine organismal phenotypes, ecological interactions, community dynamics and ecosystem properties. In my lab group, the study approach is mainly experimental, and we carry out most of our research on amphibians and invertebrates in natural and artificial forest ponds.
Associate professor
Itsuro KOIZUMI (lab website)
Field-based ecology
I am studying diverse themes in animal ecology, such as life history, evolution, behavior, population dynamics, genetic structure and conservation. I love fieldwork but also use other approaches, such as genetic analysis and statistical modeling, to unravel the mysteries of wildlife.
Associate professor
Kentaro MORITA (lab website)
Ecology of salmonid fishes
Exploring a way of animal's life in the field is important for understanding and preserving the evolution of that organism. I specialize in animal ecology, focusing on the mechanisms that cause variation in life history traits, and also in conservation biology, primarily on the effects of dams and exotic species. In particular, I study stream-dwelling salmonids that live in aquatic and forest ecosystems by using a comprehensive approach that combines data collected by fieldwork with theory building and testing using mathematical models.
Assistant professor
Satoshi OHDACHI (lab website)
1. Estimation of the process of mammalian fauna in Northeastern Asia
2. Ecology, evolution and conservation of Cuban solenodon
3. Study for the relationships between range expansion of the house shrews and human activity
4. Cultural history between animals and humans
My main focus is macrobiology (evolutional process, ecology, and morphology) of vertebrates, mainly mammals. Recently, I am also studying the relationships between animals and humans.
Assistant professor
Masayuki SENZAKI (lab website)
Conservation ecology, Landscale ecology, Light/noise pollution
I focus on the effects of human activities on wildlife and biodiversity. My main study organisms are birds, but also a diverse taxonomic groups, such as mammals, amphibians, insects, and shrubs, have been studied.