Division of Biosphere Science

Base for Field Science


生物圏科学特別講義Ⅱ [Special Lecture in Biosphere ScienceⅡ]のご案内


講師:高橋晃周 (国立極地研究所・生物圏研究グループ 教授)



連絡先:先崎理之 msenzaki[at]ees.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]->@

Advanced Course in Forest Sphere Science I (Ecosystem Function)

Date:4th June (Tue.) – 7th June (Fri.), 2024

Venue & Time:Nakagawa Experimental Forest & Teshio Experimental Forest, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere

Accommodation: Nakagawa Experimental Forest (Nakagawa Town)

Meet at there at 16:30 on 4th June, break up there at 14:00 on 7nd June (scheduled)

(Nearest Sta.: Teshio-Nakagawa sta. in JR Soya line  Web page→ https://www.hokudaiforest.jp/

Faculty staffKentaro TAKAGI, Mutsumi NOMURA, Karibu FUKUZAWA, Mitsuru OHIRA

Contents (plan)

Soil sampling, carbon budget in forest, stream water chemistry, hydrological observation in forested river, Forest and river ecosystems

Cost¥8,650 including accommodation fee, meal during the stay* (tentative)

*From dinner on 4th June to lunch on 7th June

Participants need to pay their own travel expenses to the venue. Use the public transport system.


Inform the following items by 25th April 2024:

Name (Given/Middle/Family), Sex, Course name, Grade, Student number, E-mail address, Phone number

Other announcement

Contact:Karibu FUKUZAWA (Nakagawa Experimental Forest)

(Phone:01656-5-3216, E-mail: caribu@fsc.hokudai.ac.jp)

Information on “Special Course in Field Science I & II”

“Special Courses in Field Science I & II” will be held at the facilities of the Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere. The following courses are scheduled this year.

  1. Open Marine Courses (Prof. Nakaoka and Prof. Nagasato)
    To be held in Akkeshi Marine Station and Muroran Marine Station. 4 courses in total: 2 courses in Muroran from June 20 to 23 and June 24 to 27, and 2 courses in Akkeshi from July 31 to August 4 and August 4 to 8.
  2. Open Fisheries Course (Prof. Yotsukura)
    To be held in Usujiri Fisheries Station, Nanae Freshwater Station and Oshoro Marine Station
  3. Field Training Course on Forest Research (Prof. Nakaji)
    To be held in Research Forest Stations
  4. Forest Ecology Course in Winter (Associate Prof. Kobayashi)
    To be held in Research Forest Stations (not determined)
  5. Open Agro-Ecosystem Course (Prof. Hoshino)
    To be held in Agro-Ecosystem Research Station (not determined)
  6. Open Boarding Course (Associate Prof. Yoshimura)
    To be held on Training Vessel Ushio-Maru from July 30 to August 7. The vessel leaves from and arrives at Hakodate Port.

If you wish to participate in these courses, please contact first the responsible faculty members to confirm the schedule and course registration procedures. In some courses, the schedule will be announced via the mailing list of the Biosphere Course. Registration procedures are to be made through the registration form (change form) at the time when the participation is decided.


1. For practical training held outside of Sapporo, travel and accommodation expenses to the site are to be borne by the trainee.

2. Most courses will be held during the regular semester. If you wish to participate without attending other lectures, please obtain approval from the lecturers in advance.

Contact information

Prof Nakaoka: nakaoka@fsc.hokudai.ac.jp
Prof Nagasato: nagasato@fsc.hokudai.ac.jp
Prof Yotsukura: yotsukur@fsc.hokudai.ac.jp
Prof Nakaji: nakaji@fsc.hokudai.ac.jp
Assoc Prof Kobayashi: makoto@fsc.hokudai.ac.jp
Prof Hoshino: hoshino@fsc.hokudai.ac.jp
Assoc Prof Yoshimura: yoshimura-t@fish.hokudai.ac.jp

First Semester 2024

■環境分子生物学特論Ⅱ Advanced Couese in Environmental Molecular Biology Ⅱ

4月8日(月)1講目  April 8 (Mon)  1st 

初回の対面授業は低温研(講義室215)で実施。オンライン接続先はELMS Moodleに掲示する。不明な場合は連絡先にE-メールで問い合わせること。Face-to-face class will be given in room 215, Institute of Low Temperature Science. Information on online class is provided in ELMS Moodle. If you need, please contact us by E-mail.

連絡先: 田中 rtanaka[at]lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp  ※[at]は@に変換


■海洋生物学基礎論 Fundamental Course in Marine Biological Processes

4月9日(火)2講目  April 9 (Tue)  2nd 

D101 ※札幌以外の履修者には、Zoomでの同時配信(希望者は4/8 17時まで要事前連絡)

連絡先: 工藤 ikudo[at]fish.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]は@に変換


■分子生物学基礎論(日本語/英語)Fundamental Course in Molecular Biology (Japanese/English)

4月10日(水)1講目 April 10 (Wed)  1st

D101 (English: D102)

連絡先: 森川 morikawa[at]ees.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]は@に変換


■動物生態学特論Ⅰ  Advanced Couese in Animal Ecology I 

4月10日(水)2講目  April 10 (Wed)  2nd  

D101 ※札幌以外の履修者には、Zoomでの同時配信(希望者は4/8 17時まで要事前連絡)

連絡先: 小泉 itsuro[at]ees.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]は@に変換


■環境分子生物学特論 I  Advanced Couese in Environmental Molecular Biology I

4月11日(木)3講目 April 11 (Thu)  3rd


連絡先: 福井 my-fukui[at]lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp  ※[at]は@に変換


■耕地圏科学特論Ⅰ Advanced Course in Agro-Ecosystem Science I

4月12日(金)1講目  April 12 (Fri)  1st (JST 8:45~)

FSC庁舎106 予定変更の内容はELMSで周知する。Additional information will be announced in ELMS.

連絡先: 星野 hoshino[at]fsc.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]は@に変換


■植物生態・多様性生物学特論Ⅰ  Advanced Course in Plant Ecology /Biodiversity Science I

6月10日(月)3・4講目 June 10 (Mon)  3rd-4th


連絡先: 相場:aiba[at]ees.hokudai.ac.jp  ※[at]は@に変換

Second Half, Second Semester 2023

■生態学基礎論 Fundamental Course in Ecology
(担当教員:越川他)月・水 5講目 12/4(月)Mon 4th Dec.~
Mainly face-to-face (D102). For online classes, posted on ELMS.
問い合わせ:越川先生 koshi[at]ees.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]→@

■海洋生物圏環境科学特論Ⅱ Advanced Course in Marine Biosphere Science II
(担当教員:浦)函館 火・木 2講目 12/5(火)Tue 5th Dec.~
Face-to-face class (Hakodate). Details will be posted on ELMS.
問い合わせ:浦先生 kazu[at]fish.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]→@

■生態遺伝学特論Ⅱ Advanced Course in Ecological Genetics II
(担当教員:越川・吉田)火・木 5講目 12/5(火)Tue 5th Dec.~
Face-to-face class at C202.
問い合わせ:吉田先生 majin[at]ees.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]→@

If you wish to take online courses at a laboratory outside Sapporo, please contact us.
(Advanced Course in Marine Biosphere Science II is only available face-to-face (Hakodate).)

Advanced Course in Forest Sphere Science Ⅳ (Regional Resources Management)


標記の責任教員 森林圏フィールド科学コースの吉田です。



(参考)バス 札幌14:10→名寄17:35  

—– 冬季の木材生産、木材の高付加価値利用、地元自治体や団体による寒冷多雪地の自然資源活用

(参考)バス 名寄17:30→札幌20:55 * 自家用車での移動は認めません


<2023年10月12日(木)>まで  あて先 吉田俊也 yoto[at]fsc.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]→@


First Half, Second Semester 2023

First Half, Second Semester 2023 (PDF)

■Advanced Course in Animal Ecology II
Mon,Wed Ⅱ  start date:Mon 2nd Oct.
In-person(at D101) and online class.
Applicants must contact Prof. Noda by e-mail:noda[at]ees.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]→@      

Advanced Course in Marine Biosphere Science I
Tue,Thu Ⅱ  start date:Tue 3rd Oct.
In-person class at D101. (Online class available for students outside Sapporo.)
Applicants must contact Prof. Kudo(I) by e-mail:ikudo[at]fish.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]→@

Advanced Course in Plant Ecology / Biodiversity Science II
Thu  Ⅲ,Ⅳ  start date:Thu 5th Oct.  
In-person class at A809. 
Applicants must contact Assoc.Prof. Kudo(G) by e-mail.:gaku[at]ees.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]→@

Advanced Course in Agro-Ecosystem Science II
Fri Ⅱ  start date:Fri 13th Oct.
In-person class at FSC Building 106, some intensive classes at the Shizunai Livestock Farm (details will be posted on ELMS and e-mail to applicants).
Applicants must contact Assoc.Prof. Kawai by e-mail.:m_kawai[at]fsc.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]→@

Fundamental Course in Biodiversity of Northern Ecosystems
Wed,Fri Ⅳ  start date:Fri 6th Oct.
Online class, details will be posted on ELMS and e-mail to applicants.
Applicants must contact Assoc.Prof. Kudo(G) by e-mail.:gaku[at]ees.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]→@

Fundamental Course in Biological Diversity
Mon,Wed Ⅴ  start date:Mon 2nd Oct.
Online class, details will be posted on ELMS and e-mail to applicants.  
Applicants must contact Assoc.Prof. Koizumi by e-mail:itsuro[at]ees.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]→@

Advanced Course in Ecological Genetics I
Tue,Thu Ⅴ  start date:Tue 3rd Oct.
対面(C202)In-person class at C202. 
Contact: Prof. Koshikawa :koshi[at]ees.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]→@

Fundamental Course in Field Sciences
Fri Ⅴ  start date:Fri 6th Oct.
In-person class at D102. Subsequent class may be online class. Details will be posted on ELMS.(Applicants outside Sapporo must contact Prof. Yotsukura by e-mail. )
Contact:Prof. Yotsukura:yotsukur[at]fsc.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]→@

Advanced Course in Forest Sphere Science IV
Intensive lectures to be held in December  (details)
Contact: Prof. Toshiya Yoshida :yoto[at]fsc.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]→@

Advanced Course in Aquatic Biology I
Intensive, online and on-demand classes. Details posted on ELMS and emailed to applicants.
Contact: Prof. Nakaoka :nakaoka[at]fsc.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]→@

Advanced Course in Aquatic Biology II
Intensive classes. Details will be posted on the ELMS and emailed to applicants.
Contact: Prof. Munehara:hm[at]fsc.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]→@




Special Lecture in Biosphere Science Ⅱ




8/28~8/30:東海大学工学部航空宇宙学科 稲田 喜信教授(世話役高木)

9/7~9/8:電力中央研究所 三角 和弘博士(世話役芳村)


問い合わせ:髙木 tutakagi[at]fish.hokudai.ac.jp ※[at]は@に変換

Special Lecture in Biosphere Science I


① 上野晃生先生

 5月12日(金)1-4限、5月16日(火)1-4限 D101



幌延地圏環境研究所のホームページ http://www.h-rise.jp

② 大出高弘先生

10月19日(木)2-5限、20日(金)2-5限 C204(1)


およそ 8 億年という時間をかけて、動物はいかにして多様な形態を進化させてきたのか。本講義では、地球上最大種数を誇る動物である昆虫を題材として、形態進化の背景にある発生の仕組みを解説する。特に昆虫の系統で獲得された翅や角といった新奇形態や、昆虫らしい体の基本構築(ボディプラン)の持つ進化可能性を中心的な話題として扱う。また、最近のシーケンシングやゲノム編集技術の発展により現実味を帯びてきた脱絶滅や人工動物デザインの可能性について考え、今後の進化発生学の応用的側面について議論する。


  • Contact to office

    Graduate School of Env.Science
    Division of Biosphere Science
    Hokkaido University
    N10W5 Sapporo
    Hokkaido 060-0810

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