

野田 隆史  第4回(2011年)日本生態学会大島賞受賞

深谷 肇一  第2回(2014年)日本生態学会奨励賞(鈴木賞)


2016 & in press

  • Noda T, Sakaguchi M, Iwasaki A, Fukaya K (in press) Influence of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake on population dynamics of a rocky intertidal barnacle: cause and consequence of alternation in larval recruitment. Coastal Marine Science
  • Noda T, Sakaguchi M, Iwasaki I, Fukaya K (in press) Rocky intertidal barnacle population dynamics: impacts and recovery from the 2011 Tohoku Megaquake. In Nakashizuka T and Urabe J (eds) In: Urabe J, Nakashizuka T (eds) Ecological impacts of tsunamis on coastal ecosystems: lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake, Ecological research monographs, Springer, Tokyo
  • Noda T, Iwasaki I, Fukaya K (in press) Rocky intertidal zonation: impacts and recovery from the megaquake. In Nakashizuka T and Urabe J (eds) In: Urabe J, Nakashizuka T (eds) Ecological impacts of tsunamis on coastal ecosystems: lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake, Ecological research monographs, Springer, Tokyo
  • Noda T, Sakaguchi M, Iwasaki I, Fukaya K (in press) Rocky intertidal barnacle population dynamics: impacts and recovery from the 2011 Tohoku Megaquake. In Nakashizuka T and Urabe J (eds) In: Urabe J, Nakashizuka T (eds) Ecological impacts of tsunamis on coastal ecosystems: lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake, Ecological research monographs, Springer, Tokyo
  • Iwasaki A, Fukaya K, Noda T (in press) Quantitative evaluation of impact of tsunami on natural community: a case study of rocky intertidal community for the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami. In Nakashizuka T and Urabe J (eds) In: Urabe J, Nakashizuka T (eds) Ecological impacts of tsunamis on coastal ecosystems: lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake, Ecological research monographs, Springer, Tokyo
  • Noda T, Iwasaki A, Fukaya K (2016) Rocky intertidal zonation: impacts and recovery from the megaquake. In: Kogure K, Hirose M, Kitazato H, Kijima A (eds) Marine ecosystems after Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, Tokai University Press, Hiratsuka, p. 73-74
  • Sahara R, Fukaya K, OkudaT, Hori M, Yamamoto T, Nakaoka M, Noda T (2016) Larval dispersal dampens population fluctuation and shapes the interspecific spatial distribution patterns of rocky intertidal gastropods. Ecography 39 :487-495.
  • 野田隆史(2016)群集モジュール法による汚染の間接的影響の理解:生態学的視点. 日本生態学会誌 66 (1):95-108
  • 野田隆史(2016)磯の生き物たちと東日本大震災.  In: 日本生態学会(編) “生態 学が語る東日本大震災-自然界に何が起きたのか-“, 文一総合出版,東京,p. 72-77
  • Koizumi I. and Shimatani IK. (in press) Socially induced reproductive synchrony in a salmonid: an approximate Bayesian computation approach. Behavioural Ecology
  • Tachiki Y. and Koizumi I. (in press) Absolute vs. relative assessments of individual status in status-dependent strategies under stochastic environments. The American Naturalist
  • Fukui S., May-McNally S., Katahira H., Kitano S. and Koizumi I. (in press) Temporal change in the distribution and composition of native, introduced, and hybrid charrs in northern Japan. Hydrobiologia
  • Uchida K, Suzuki K, Shimamoto T, Yanagawa H and Koizumi I. (2016) Seasonal variation of flight initiation distance in Eurasian red squirrels in urban versus rural habitat. Journal of Zoology, 298, 225-231
  • Yuta T. and Koizumi I. (2016) Does nest predation risk affect the frequency of extra-pair paternity in a socially monogamous passerine? Journal of Avian Biology, 47, 153-158.


  • Noda T, Iwasaki T, Fukaya K, OkudaT (2015) Recovery of rocky intertidal zonation: two years after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom DOI:10.1017/S002531541500212X
  • Salguero-Gomez, R., Jones, O., Caswell, H., Takada, T. & others, (2015) The COMPADRE Plant Matrix Database: an Open Online Repository for Plant Demography, Journal of Ecology: 103, 202-208
  • Nomi D, Yuta T and Koizumi I. (2015) Offspring sex ratio of Japanese Tits Parus minor is related to laying date and clutch size only in the first clutches. Acta Ornithologica, 50, 213-220
  • Toyama M., Kotaka N. and Koizumi I. (2015) Breeding timing and nest predation rate of sympatric scops owls with different dietary niche breadth. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 93, 841-847
  • Harris LN, Bajno R, Gallagher CP, Koizumi I, Johnson L, Taylor EB and Reist JD. (2015) Life-history characteristics and landscape attributes as drivers of genetic variation, gene flow and fine-scale population structure in Northern Dolly Varden Char (Salvelinus malma malma) in Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 72, 1477-1493
  • Ishiyama N, Koizumi I, Yuta T and Nakamura F. (2015) Differential effects of spatial network structure and scale on population size and genetic diversity of the ninespine stickleback in a remnant wetland system. Freshwater Biology, 60, 733-744
  • Higa M, Yamaura Y, Koizumi I, Yabuhara Y, Senzaki M and Ono S. (2015) Mapping large-scale bird distributions using occupancy models and citizen data with spatially biased sampling effort. Diversity and Distributions, 21, 46-54.
  • 佐藤真理・小泉逸郎.(2015) 魚類から迫る骨の役割:ラボとフィールドからの挑戦. 細胞, 47, 513-516.


  • Alam AR, Hagino T, Fukaya K, Okuda T, Nakaoka M, Noda T(2014) Early phase of the invasion of balanus glandula along the coast of Eastern Hokkaido: changes in abundance, distribution, and recruitment. Biological Invasions 16:1699-1708
  • Fukaya K, Okuda T, Nakaoka M, Noda T (2014) Effects of spatial structure of population size on the population dynamics of barnacles across their elevational range. Journal of Animal Ecology 83:1334-1343
  • Hashimoto S., Koizumi I., Takai K. and Higashi S. (2014) Different habitat salinity between two divergent groups of a worm-like goby Luciogobius guttatus: an indication of cryptic species. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 97, 1169-1177
  • Ishihama, F, Fujii,S, Yamamoto, K. & Takada,T.,(2014) Estimation of dieback process caused by herbivory in an endangered root-sprouting shrub species, Paliurus ramosissimus (Lour.) Poir., using a shoot-dynamics matrix model. Population Ecology 56: 275-288
  • Kaneko, T & Takada, T. (2014) Pair-wise analyses of the effects of demographic processes, vital rates, and life stages on the spatiotemporal variation in the population dynamics of the riparian tree Aesculus turbinata Blume. Population EScology 56: 161-173
  • Kitano S., Ohdachi S., Koizumi I. and Hasegawa K. (2014) Hybridization between native white-spotted charr and nonnative brook trout in the upper Sorachi River, Hokkaido, Japan. Ichthyological Research, 61, 1-8
  • Kobayashi F, Toyama M. & Koizumi I. (2014) Potential resource competition between an invasive mammal and native birds: overlap in tree cavity preferences of feral raccoons and Ural owls. Biological Invasions, 16, 1453-1464
  • Nakamaru M, Takada T, Ohtsuki A, Suzuki SU, Miura K, et al. (2014) Ecological Conditions Favoring Budding in Colonial Organisms under Environmental Disturbance. PLoS ONE 9(3): e91210. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091210
  • Negishi JN, Soga M, Ishiyama N, Suzuki N, Yuta T, Sueyoshi M., Yamazaki C, Koizumi I., Mizugaki S, Hayashida K, Nunokawa M. and Yoshimura N. (2014) Geomorphic legacy controls macrophyte distribution within and across disconnected floodplain lakes. Freshwater Biology, 59, 942-954
  • Seki, M., Yoshida, T. & Takada, T. (2014) A general method for calculating the optimal leaf longevity from the viewpoint of carbon economy, Journal of Mathematical Biology, in press DOI 10.1007/s00285-014-0830-7
  • Soga M., Ishiyama N., Sueyoshi M., Yamaura Y., Hayashida K., Koizumi I., Negishi J.N. (2014) Interaction between patch area and shape: ponds with different formation processes have contrasting area and shape effects on macrophyte diversity. Landscape & Ecological Engineering, 10, 55-64
  • 坂本洋典・森照貴・小泉逸郎.(2014)温泉・地熱地帯は生物多様性のホットスポットか? 生物科学, 65, 245-255


  • Chaves, CF, Scott, TW, Morrison, AC and Takada, T. (2013) Hot temperatures can force delayed mosquito outbreaks via sequential changes in Aedes aegypti demographic parameters in autocorrelated environments. Acta Tropica: 129: 15-24.
  • Fukaya K, Royle JA (2013) Markov models for community dynamics allowing for observation error. Ecology 94: 2670-2677.
  • Fukaya K, Shirotori W, Kawai M, Noda T (2013) Patterns and processes of population dynamics with fluctuating habitat size: a case study of a marine copepod inhabiting tide pools. Oikos 122: 235-246
  • Fukaya K, Okuda T, Hori M, Yamamoto T, Nakaoka M, Noda T (2013) Patterns and processes of population dynamics with fluctuating habitat size: a case study of a marine copepod inhabiting tide pools. Ecosphere 4:art48
  • Koizumi I., Kanazawa Y. and Tanaka Y. (2013) The fishermen were right: experimental evidence for tributary refuge hypothesis during floods. Zoologocal Science 30: 375-379
  • Oizumi, R. & Takada, T. (2013) Optimal life schedule with stochastic growth in age-size structured models: Theory and an application. Journal of Theoretical Biology: 323, 76-89.
  • 池田啓・小泉逸郎(編).2013.「系統地理学:DNAで解き明かす生ものの自然史」 文一総合出版社 pp 314
  • 小泉逸郎・池田啓.2013.系統地理学の歴史と展望 In:「系統地理学:DNAで解き明かす生ものの自然史」文一総合出版社 pp 7-32
  • 小泉逸郎.2013. ニホンザリガニのDNAに刻まれた北日本の地史:歴史遺産としての遺伝的多様性 In:「系統地理学:DNAで解き明かす生ものの自然史」文一総合出版社 pp 35-60
  • 高田壮則、(2013) Cost-benefit modelを用いた最適葉寿命モデル—最適戦略基準の検討—、日本生態学会誌63:69-80


  • Kidokoro-Kobayashi, M., M. Iwakura, N. Fujiwara-Tsujii, Sh. Fujiwara, M.Sakura, H. Sakamoto, S. Higashi, A. Hefetz, & M. Ozaki (2012) Chemical discrimination and aggressiveness via cuticular hydrocarbons in a supercolony-forming ant, Formica yessensis. PLoS ONE 7: e46840
  • Horikawa, D. D., Yamaguchi, A., Sakashita, T., Tanaka, D., Hamada, N., Yukuhiro, F., Kuwahara, H., Kunieda, T., Watanabe, M., Nakahara, Y., Wada, S., Funayama, T., Katagiri, C., Higashi, S., Yokobori, S., Kuwabara, M., Rothschild, M. J., Okuda, T., Hashimoto, H. & Kobayashi, Y. (2012) Tolerance of Anhydrobiotic Eggs of the Tardigrade Ramazzottius varieornatus to extreme environments. Astrobiology 12: 283-289
  • Kitanishi S., Yamamoto T., Edo K and Higashi S. (2012) Influences of habitat fragmentation by damming on the genetic structure of masu salmon populations in Hokkaido, Japan. Conservation Genetics 13: 1017-1026
  • Kitanishi S., Yamamoto T., Koizumi I., Dunham JB and Higashi S. (2012) Fine scale relationship between sex, life history and dispersal of masu salmon. Ecology and Evolution 2: 920-929
  • Koizumi I., Usio N., Kawai T., Azuma N. and Masuda R. (2012) Loss of genetic diversity means loss of geological information: the endangered Japanese crayfish possessed remarkable historical footprints. PLoS ONE 7: e33986
  • Koizumi I., Hasegawa K. and Kishi D. (2012) Do small tributaries function as refuges from floods? A test in a salmonid-dominated mountainous river. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 21: 165-167
  • Yuta T. and Koizumi I. (2012) Long breeding season and high frequency of multiple brooding in Great Tits in northern Japan. ARDEA, 100:197-201


  • Matsuda I, Murai T, Clauss M, Yamada T, Tuuga A, Bernard H, Higashi S. (2011) Regurgitation and remastication in the foregut-fermenting proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus). Biology Letters 7:786-789.
  • Matsuda I, Tuuga A, Bernard H. (2011) Riverine refuging by proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus): implications for adaptive benefits in riverine habitat. Mammalian Biology 76:165-171.
  • Sakamoto H, Terayama M and Higashi S (2011) Non-native ant species in the Ueno Zoo. Journal of Myrmecological Society of Japan 34:43-47
  • Takai K (2011) Range expansion and food habits of Rana nigromaculata introduced to Hokkaido, Japan. Current Herpetology 30:75-78.
  • Azuma N., Usio N., Korenaga T., Koizumi I., and Takamura N. (2011) Genetic population structure of the invasive signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus in Japan inferred from newly developed microsatellite markers. Plankton & Benthos Research 6:179-186
  • Koizumi I. (2011) Integration of ecology, demography and genetics to reveal population structure and persistence: a mini review and case study of stream-dwelling Dolly Varden. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 20:352-363


  • Ardianor, Sulmin G, Higashi S (2010) Comparison of phytoplankton species composition between open water and beneath floating macrophyte mat in an Oxbow Lake of central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Journal of Ecotechnology Research 15: 113-120
  • Kobayashi-Kidokoro M, Higashi S (2010) Flower constancy in the generalist pollinator Ceratina flavipes (Hymenoptera: Apidae): an evaluation by pollen analysis. Psyche 2010: 891906
  • Akiyama YB & Maruyama (2010) T. Habitat characteristics influencing freshwater mussel Pronodularia japanensis distribution and potential impact on Tokyo bitterling, Tanakia tanago. Zoological Science 27: 912-916.
  • Munroe DM, Noda T, Ikeda, T (2010) Shore Level Differences in Barnacle (Chthamalus dalli) Distribution Relative to Rock Surface Topography. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 392:188-192.
  • Okuda T, Noda T, Yamamoto T, Hori M, Nakaoka M (2010) Contribution of environmental and spatial processes to rocky intertidal metacommunity structure, Acta Oecologia 36: 413-422.
  • Munroe DM, Noda T (2010) Physical and Biological Factors Contributing to Changes in the Relative Importance of Recruitment to Population Dynamics. Marine Ecology Progress Series 412: 151-162.
  • 奥田武弘・野田隆史・山本智子・堀正和・仲岡雅裕(2010)群集構造決定機構に対する環境と空間の相対的重要性:岩礁潮間帯における生物群間比較 日本生態学会誌 60: 227-239
  • Fukaya K, Okuda T, Nakaoka M, Hori M, Noda T (2010) Seasonality in the strength and spatial scale of processes determining intertidal barnacle population growth. Journal of Animal Ecology 79:1270-1279
  • Matsuoka M, Shiina K, (2010) Stump nests of the Ural owl Strix uralensis in Hokkaido 森林総合研究所研究報告 9(2):31-35
  • Matsuda I, Kubo T, Tuuga A, Higashi S. (2010) A Bayesian analysis of the temporal change of local density of proboscis monkeys: implications for environmental effects on a multilevel society. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142: 235-245.
  • Matsuda I, Tuuga A, Higashi S. (2010) Effects of water level on sleeping-site selection and inter-group association in proboscis monkeys: why do they sleep alone inland on flooded days? Ecological Research 25: 475-482.
  • Miyazaki S, Murakami T, Kubo T, Azuma N, Higashi S, Miura T (2010) Ergatoid queen development in the ant Myrmecina nipponica: modular and heterochronic regulation of caste differentiation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Science 277, 1953-1961.
  • Nomoto K, Omiya H, Sugimoto T, Akiba K, Edo K, Higashi S, (2010) Potential negative impacts of introduced rainbow trout on endangered Sakhalin taimen through redd disturbance in an agricultural stream, eastern Hokkaido. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19: 116-126.
  • Tsujino T, Hori M, Okuda T, Nakaoka M, Yamamoto T, and Noda T (2010) Distance decay of community dynamics in rocky intertidal sessile assemblages evaluated by transition matrix models. Population Ecology 52: 171-180.


  • Akiyama YB & Toshio Iwakuma (2009) Growth parameters of endangered freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera laevis, Unionoida). Fundamental and Applied Limnology 175: 295-305
  • 秋山吉寛・岩熊敏夫(2009)北海道安平川におけるカワシンジュガイと宿主の分布の不一致. Venus 67:199-205
  • Okuda T, Noda T, Yamamoto T, Hori M, Nakaoka M (2009) Latitudinal gradients in species richness in assemblages of sessile animals in rocky intertidal zone: mechanisms determining scale-dependent variability. Journal of Animal Ecology 78: 328-337.
  • Noda T (2009) Metacommunity-level coexistence mechanisms in rocky intertidal sessile assemblages based on a new empirical synthesis. Population Ecology.51 :41-55.
  • Munroe DM, Noda T (2009) Spatial Pattern of rocky intertidal barnacle recruitment: comparison over multiple tidal levels and years.
    Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 89 : 345-353.
  • Raeymaekers J.A.M., Raeymaekers D., Koizumi I., Geldof S. & Volckaert F.A.M. (2009) Guidelines for restoring connectivity around water mills: a population genetic approach to the management of riverine fish. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46, 562-571.
  • Griffiths A.M., Koizumi I., Bright D. & Stevens J. (2009) A case of isolation by distance and short-term temporal stability of population structure in brown trout (Salmo trutta) within the River Dart, southwest England. Evolutionary Applications, 2, 537-554.
  • Sugimoto T, Miyoshi K, Sakata D, Nomoto K and Higashi S (2009) Fecal DNA-based discrimination between indigenous Martes zibellina and non-indigenous Martes melampus in Hokkaido, Japan. Mammal Study.34: 155-159.
  • Sunamura E, Espadaler X, Sakamoto H, Suzuki S, Terayama M, Tatsuki S. (2009) Intercontinental union of Argentine ants: behavioral relationships among introduced populations in Europe, North America, and Asia. Insectes Sociaux
  • Kataoka T, Suzuki K, Hayakawa M, Kudo I, Higashi S, and Tsuda A (2009) Temporal changes in community composition of heterotrophic bacteria during in situ iron enrichment in the western subarctic Pacific (SEEDS-II). Deep-Sea Research part IITopical studies in oceanography. special issue, accepted
  • Kataoka T, Hodoki Y, Suzuki K, Saito H and Higashi S (2009) Detection of UVBR-sensitive and -tolerant bacteria in surface waters of the western North Pacific. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology. 95(2): 108-116.
  • Kataoka T, Hodoki Y, Suzuki K, Saito H and Higashi S (2009) Tempo-spatial patterns of bacterial community composition in the western North Pacific Ocean. Journal of Marine Systems. 77 (2009): 197-207.
  • Tanaka Y, Nishisue K, Sunamura E, Suzuki S, Sakamoto H, Fukumoto T, Terayama M, and Tatsuki S (2009) Trail-following disruption in the invasive Argentine ant with a synthetic trail pheromone component (Z)-9-hexadecena.Sociobiology
  • Matsuda, I, A. Tuuga & S. Higashi (2009) The feeding ecology and activity budget of proboscis monkeys. American Journal of Primatology.71: 1-15.
  • Matsuda, I, A. Tuuga & S. Higashi (2009) Ranging behavior of proboscis monkeys in a riverine forest with special reference to ranging in inland forest. International Journal of Primatology. 30: 313-325.


  • Koizumi I., Yamamoto S., Nomoto K. & Maekawa K. (2008) Synchrony in local population dynamics of stream-dwelling Dolly Varden: do genetically similar groups show similar demography? Population Ecology.50: 367-377.
  • Satake A. and Koizumi I. (2008) Preface in the special feature: Population synchrony in ecological systems. Population Ecology.50: 325-327.
  • Dunham J.B., Baxter C., Fausch K.D., Fredenberg W., Kitano S., Koizumi I., Morita K., Nakamura T., Rieman B.E., Savviatova A., Stanford J., Taylor E.B. & Yamamoto S. (2008) Ecology and conservation of Dolly Varden, white-spotted char and bull trout. Fisheries.33: 537-550.
  • Kitanishi S., T. Yamamoto, S. Higashi1, 2008. Microsatellite variation reveals fine-scale genetic structure of masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou, within the Atsuta River. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.18: 65-71
  • Horikawa, D.D., Kunieda, T., Abe, W., Watanabe, M., Nakahara, Y., Yukuhiro, F., Sakashita, T., Hamada,N., Wada, S., Funayama, T., Katagiri, C., Kobayashi, Y., Higashi, S. and Okuda, T. (2008) Establishment of a rearing system of the extremotolerant tardigrade Ramazzottius variornatus: a new model animal for astrobiology. Astrobiology.June 2008: 549-556
  • Miyata, H., M. Hirata, N. Azuma, T. Murakami & S. Higashi 2008. Army ant behaviour in the poneromorph hunting ant Onychomyrmex hedleyi Emery (Hymenoptera: Formicidae; Amblyoponinae). Australian Journal of Entomology.48:47-52
  • Matsuda, I., A. Tunga & S. Higashi 2008. Clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi) predation on proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) in Sabah, Malaysis. Primates.49(3): 227-231
  • Hirata, M., O. Hasegawa, T. Toita & S. Higashi 2008. Genetic relationships among populations of Argentine ant Linepithema humile introduced in Japan. Ecological Research.23(5): 883-888.
  • Hirata, M. & S. Higashi 2008. Degree-day accumulation controlling allopatric and sympatric variations in the sociality of sweat bees, Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) baleicum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.62(8): 1239-1247
  • Effects of clutch size and egg-laying order on the breeding success in the Little Tern Sterna albifrons on the Nakdong Estuary, Republic of Korea. Ibis. 140: 408-414.


  • Akiyama Y & Iwakuma T (2007) Survival of glochidial larvae of freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera laevis at different temperatures: A comparison between two populations with and without recruitment (Bivalvia: Unionoida). Zoological Science.24(9): 890-893.
  • Kon H, Noda T (2007) Experimental investigation on weather cues for mast seeding of Fagus crenata. Ecological Research. 22 :802-806.
  • Kitanishi, S., K. Edo, T. Yamamoto, N. Azuma, O. Hasegawa & S. Higashi. 2007. Genetic structure of masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) populations in Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, inferred from mitochondrial DNA variation. Journal of Fish Biology.71 (Supplement C): 437-452
  • Abe, F., O. Hasegawa, T. Kudo, and S. Higashi. Nest-site selection of Northern Goshawks and Eurasian Sparrowhawks in a fragmented landscape in Northern Japan. The Journal of Raptor Research.41(4): 299-306.
  • Masatomi, Y., S. Higashi & H. Masatomi. A simple population viability analysis of Tancho (Grus japonensis) in southeastern Hokkaido, Japan. Population Ecology.49: 297-304.
  • Horikawa, D. D., T. Kunieda, W. Abe, M. Watanabe, Y. Nakahara, T. Sakashita, N. Hamada, S. Wada, T. Funayama, Y. Kobayashi, C. Katagiri, S. Higashi, T. Okuda. Tolerance to extreme environments of the tardigrade Ramazzottius varieornatus. Astrobiology


  • Nakaoka M, Ito N, Yamamoto T, Okuda T, Noda T (2006)Similarity of rocky intertidal assemblages along the Pacific Coast of Japan:Effects of spatial scales and geographic distance. Ecological Research.21 :425-435.
  • Hori M, Noda T, Nakao S (2006) Effects of avian grazing on algal community and small invertebrates in the rocky intertidal zone. Ecological Research.21 : 768-775.
  • Ueno Y, Hori M, Noda T, Mukai H (2006) Effects of material inputs by the Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea, on forest-floor necrophagous insects and understory plants during the breeding season. Ornithological Science.5 :199-209.
  • Hori M and T. Noda T (2006) Avian predation on wild and cultured sea urchin strongy locentrotus intermedius in a rocky shore habitat. Fisheries Science.73 (2), 303?313.
  • Koizumi I., Yamamoto S. & Maekawa K. (2006) Decomposed pairwise regression analysis of genetic and geographic distances reveals a metapopulation structure of stream-dwelling Dolly Varden charr. Molecular Ecology.5, 3175-3189.
  • Koizumi I., Yamamoto S. & Maekawa K. (2006) Female-biased migration of stream-dwelling DollyVarden in the Shiisorapuchi River, Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Fish Biology. 68, 1513-1529.
  • Yamamoto S., Kitano S., Maekawa K., Koizumi I. & Morita K. (2006) Introgressive hybridization between Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma and white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis on Hokkaido Island, Japan. Journal of Fish Biolog.8 (Supplement A), 68-85.
  • Yamamoto, S., Maekawa, K., Tamate, T., Koizumi, I., Hasegawa, K. & Kubota, H. (2006) Genetic evaluation of translocation in artificially isolated populations of white-spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis). Fisheries Research.78, 352-358.
  • Horikawa D. D., T. Sakashita, C. Katagiri, M. Watanabe, T. Kikawada, Y. Nakahara, N. Hamada, S. Wada, T. Funayama, S. Higashi, Y. Kobayashi, T. Okuda, M. Kuwabara (2006) Radiation tolerance in the tardigrade Milnesium tardigradum.
    International Journal of Radiation Biology.82: 843-848.
  • Horikawa, D. D., T. Sakashita, C. Katagiri, M. Watanabe, T. Kikawada,Y. Nakahara, N. Hamada, S. Wada, T. Funayama, S. Higashi, Y. Kobayashi, T. Okuda, M. Kuwabara (2006) Effects of heavy ions and gamma-rays on the tardigrade Milnesium tardigradum. JAEA-Review.42: 116
  • Kidokoro, M., N. Azuma & S. Higashi 2006. Pre-hibernation mating of a solitary bee, Ceratina flavipes (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Xylocopina). Journal of Natural History.40: 2101-2110.
  • Sugimoto, T., J. Nagata, V. V. Aramilev, A. Belozor, S. Higashi & D. R. McCullough 2006. Species and sex identification from faecal samples of sympatric carnivores, Amur leopard and Conservation Genetics. 7(5):799-802.
  • Sutrisno H., Azuma, N. and Higashi, S. 2006. Molecular phylogeny of the Indo-Australian Glyphodes and its allied genera (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Spilomelinae) inferred from mitochondrial CO I and CO II and nuclear EF-1α gene sequence. Species Diversity.11: 57-69.
  • Astuti, D., N. Azuma, H. Suzuki & S. Higashi 2006. Phylogenetic relationships within parrots inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene sequences. Zoological Science.23 (2): 191-198.
  • Azuma, N., K. Ogata, T. Kikuchi & S. Higashi, 2006. Phylogeography of Asian weaver ants, Oecophylla smaragdina. Ecological Research.21: 126-136.


  • Kon H, Noda T, Terazawa K, Koyama H, Yasaka M (2005a) Evolutionary advantages of mast seeding in Fagus crenata. Journal of Ecology.93 :1148-1155.
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  • Koizumi I., Kobayashi H., Maekawa K., Azuma N. & Nagase T. (2005) Hybridization between endemic Miyabe charr (Salvelinus malma miyabei) and introduced masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) in Shikaribetsu Lake. Ichthyological Research.52, 83-85.
  • Edo, K., Y. Kawaguchi, M. Nunokawa, H. Kawamura & S. Higashi 2005. Morphology, stomach contents and growth of the endangered salmonid, Sakhalin taimen Hucho perryi, captured in the Sea of Okhotsuk, northern Japan: evidence of an anadromous form.
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  • Ura, T., N. Azuma, S. Hayama & S. Higashi 2005. Sexual dimorphism of Latham's Snipe (Gallinago hardwickii). Emu.105 (3): 259-262.
  • Miyazaki S, T. Murakami, N. Azuma, S. Higashi, T. Miura 2005. Morphological differences among three female castes: Worker, queen and intermorphic queen in the ant Myrmecina nipponica (Formicidae : Myrmicinae). Sociobiology.46 (2): 363-374
  • Miyoshi, K. & S. Higashi 2005. Home range and habitat use by the sable Martes zibellina brachyura in a Japanese cool-temperate mixed forest. Ecological Research.20: 95-101
  • Azuma, N., J. Takahashi, M. Kidokoro & S. Higashi, 2005. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the bee Ceratina flavipes. Molecular Ecology Notes.5: 433-435.
  • Azuma, N., J. Takahashi, T. Kikuchi, M. Yoshimura, K. Onoyama & S. Higashi 2005. Microsatellite loci for Myrmica kotokui and their application in some congeneric ant species distributed in northern Japan. Molecular Ecology Notes.5: 118-120.
  • 野田隆史・深津雪絵・奥田武弘・堀正和・仲岡雅裕・山本智子(2005) 日本列島太平洋岸の岩礁潮間帯の海藻群集における7つの希少性. 保全生態学研究 10:1-10.


  • Noda T (2004) Spatial hierarchal approach in community ecology: away beyond high context-dependency and low predictability in local phenomenon. Population Ecology.46 : 105-117.
  • Noda T (2004) Large scale variability in recruitment of barnacle Semibalanus cariosus: its cause and effects on their population density and predator. Marine Ecology Progress Series.278 : 241-252.
  • Miyamoto Y, Noda T (2004) Mussel effects on competitive inferior species: comptitive exclusion to facilitation. Marine Ecology Progress Series.276 :293-298.
  • Koizumi I. & Maekawa K. (2004) Metapopulation structure of stream-dwelling Dolly Varden charr inferred from patterns of occurrence in the Sorachi River basin, Hokkaido, Japan. Freshwater Biology.49: pp 973-981.
  • Yamamoto S., Morita K., Koizumi I. & Maekawa K. (2004) Genetic differentiation of white-spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis) populations after habitat fragmentation: spatio-temporal changes of gene frequencies. Conservation Genetics.5: 529-538.
  • Yamamoto S., Morita K., Kitano S., Watanabe K., Koizumi I., Maekawa K. & Takamura K. (2004) Phylogeography of white-spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Zoological Science.21: 229-240.
  • Kikuchi, T., N. Azuma & S. Higashi 2004. Grooming interaction and reproductive status among queens in functionally polygynous colonies of the ant Myrmica kotokui (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology.44 (2): 443-457.
  • Nomura, F. & S. Higashi 2004. Notes on oil palm plantation use and seasonal spatial relationships of sun bears in Sabah, Malaysia. Ursus.15 (2): 227-231.
  • Azuma, N., J. Takahashi, S. Higashi & M. Sasaki 2004. Microsatellite loci for the weaver ant Oecophylla smaragdina. Molecular Ecology Notes. 4: 608-610.
  • Horikawa, D. D., & S. Higashi 2004. Desiccation tolerance of the tardigrade Milnesium tardigradum collected in Sapporo, Japan, and Bogor, Indonesia. Zoological Science.21: 813-816.


  • Koizumi I. & Maekawa K. (2003) Spawning migration of stream-dwelling Dolly Varden in spring-fed tributaries of the Shiisorapuchi River, Japan. Journal of Freshwater Ecology.18, 321-331.
  • Kikuchi, T., N. Azuma & S. Higashi (ed.) 2003. Genes, Behaviors and Evolution of Social Insects. Hokkaido University Press, 293 pp
  • Miyata, H., T. Shimamura, H. Hirosawa & S. Higashi 2003. Morphology and phenology of the primitive ponerine army ant Onychomyrmex hedleyi (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae) in a highland rainforest of Australia. Journal of Natural History.37: 115-125.


  • Koseki Y., Koizumi I., Kobayashi H. & Maekawa K. (2002) Does the refuge availability influence the spawning behavior of mature male parr in salmonids? A test in the Miyabe charr. Environmental Biology of Fishes.64: 87-93.
  • Azuma, N., T. Kikuchi, K. Ogata & S. Higashi 2002. Molecular phylogeny among local populations of Weaver Ant Oecophylla smaragdina. Zoological Science.19: 1321-1328.
  • Murakami, T., K. Ohkawara & S. Higashi 2002. Morphology and developmental plasticity of reproductive females in Myrmecina nipponica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America.95(5): 577-582.
  • Hirosawa, H., S. Higashi & M. Mohamed 2002. Effects of an army ant Leptogenys distinguenda on prey community in a rainforest of Borneo. Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of IUSSI.Sapporo, Japan.


  • Hori M, Noda T (2001) An unpredictable indirect effect of algal consumption by gulls on crows. Ecology.82 : 3251-3256.
  • Hori M, Noda T (2001) Spatio-temporal variation of avian foraging in the rocky intertidal food web. Journal of Animal Ecology.70 : 122-137.
  • Kikuchi, T. & S. Higashi 2001, Task allocation and alate production in monogynous, polygynous and orphan colonies of Myrmica kotokui. Ethology Ecology & Evolution.13: 151-159.


  • Kikuchi, T., F. Tomizuka & S. Higashi 2000. Reproductive strategy in orphaned colonies of Myrmica kotokui Forel, the Japanese species of the M. ruginodis complex (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux. 47: 343-347.
  • Nomura, F. & S. Higashi 2000. Effects of food distribution on the habitat usage of a female brown bear Ursus arctos yesoensis in a beech- forest zone of northernmostin Japan. Ecological Research.15: 209-217.
  • Hirosawa, H., S. Higashi & M. Mohamed 2000. Food habits of Aenictus army ants and their effects on the ant community in a rainforest of Borneo. Insectes Sociaux.47, 42-49.
  • Murakami, T., L. Wang & S. Higashi 2000. Mating frequency, genetic structure, and sex ratio in the intermorphic female producing ant species Myrmecina nipponica. Ecological Entomology. 25: 341-347.
  • Murakami, T., S. Higashi & D. Windsor 2000. Mating frequency, colony size, polyethism and sex ratio in fungus-growing ants (Attini). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.48(4): 276-284.
  • Edo, K., H. Kawamura & S. Higashi 2000. The structure and dimensions of redds and egg pockets of the endangered salmonid, Sakhalin taimen. Journal of Fish Biology.56: 890-904.
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