


Fukui S, May-McNally S, Taylor EB and Koizumi I (in press) Maladaptive secondary sexual characteristics reduce the reproductive success of hybrids between native and non-native salmonids. Ecology and Evolution

Yuta T, Nomi D, Ihle M and Koizumi I (in press) Simulated hatching failure predicts female plasticity in extra-pair behavior over successive broods. Behavioral Ecology

Nomi D, Yuta T and Koizumi I (2018) Male feeding contribution facilitates multiple brooding in a biparental songbird. IBIS, 160, 293-300

Nomi D, Yuta T and Koizumi I (2018) Facultative multiple breeding as a female conditional strategy in Japanese tits: partner’s quality affects the initiation of second clutches. Ecological Research, 33, 479-485

Nomi D, Yuta T and Koizumi I. (2018) Seasonal change of sexual differences in nestling size and survival: a framework to evaluate sex-dependent environmental sensitivity in the wild. Avian Research, 9, 10

Ayer C, Katahira H, Fukui S and Koizumi I (2018) Seasonal patterns of downstream movement in partially migratory stream-dwelling Dolly Varden. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 27, 247-254

Atsumi K, Nomoto K, Machida Y, Ichimura M and Koizumi I (2018) No reduction of hatching rates among F1 hybrids of naturally hybridizing three Far Eastern daces, genus Tribolodon (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Research, 65, 165-167

Yamaura Y, Higa M, Senzaki M, Koizumi I (2018) Can charismatic megafauna be surrogate species for biodiversity conservation? mechanisms and a test using citizen data and a hierarchical community model. In: Nakamura F (Ed.) Biodiversity Conservation Using Umbrella Species: Blakiston’s Fish Owl and Red-Crowned Crane, Springer, pp. 151-179

小泉逸郎(印刷中)想像を超えたヒグマとサケの繋がり:互いに影響する生態と進化、そして生態系全体へ In:「ヒグマ学への招待」北海道大学出版会 pp **-**


Atsumi K and Koizumi I (2017) Web image search revealed large-scale variations in breeding season and nuptial coloration in mutually ornamented fish, Tribolodon hakonensis. Ecological Research, 32, 567-578
Ecological Research Paper Award 受賞!

Atsumi K and Koizumi I (2017) Early maturation of rosyface dace, Tribolodon sachalinensis (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes) in a small isolated population. Biogeography, 19, 123-126

Yamazaki C and Koizumi I* (2017) High frequency of mating without egg release in highly promiscuous nonparasitic lamprey Lethenteron kessleri. Journal of Ethology, 35, 237-243
Altmetrics 100 を超えました!

Katahira H, Yamazaki C, Fukui S, Ayer CG and Koizumi I (2017) Spatial aggregation in small spring-fed tributaries leads to a potential metapopulation structure in a parasitic fish leech. Parasitology Open, 3, e11

Koizumi I, Tanaka Y, and Kanazawa Y (2017) Mass immigration of juvenile fishes into a small, once-dried tributary demonstrates the importance of remnant tributaries as wintering habitats. Ichthyological Research, 64, 353-356

Koizumi I, Kanazawa Y, Yamazaki C, Tanaka Y and Takaya K (2017) Extreme winter aggregation of invasive rainbow trout in small tributaries: implications for effective control. Ichthyological Research, 64, 197-203

Nomi D, Yuta T and Koizumi I. (2017) Breeding biology of four sympatric tits in northern Japan. Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 129, 294-300

Anders J, Uchida K, Watanabe M, Tanio I, Shimamoto T, Hamada M, Yanagawa H and Koizumi I (2017) Usefulness and limitation of a tiny light-temperature logger to monitor daily activity levels of arboreal squirrels in temperate areas. Mammal Research, 62, 397-404

Uchida K, Suzuki K, Shimamoto T, Yanagawa H and Koizumi I. (2017) Escaping height in a tree represents a potential indicator of fearfulness in arboreal squirrels. Mammal Study, 42, 39-43


Koizumi I. and Shimatani I.K. (2016) Socially induced reproductive synchrony in a salmonid: an approximate Bayesian computation approach. Behavioral Ecology, 27, 1386-1396

Tachiki Y. and Koizumi I. (2016) Absolute vs. relative assessments of individual status in status-dependent strategies under stochastic environments. The American Naturalist, 188, 113-123

Yuta T. and Koizumi I. (2016) Does nest predation risk affect the frequency of extra-pair paternity in a socially monogamous passerine? Journal of Avian Biology, 47, 153-158

Uchida K., Suzuki K., Shimamoto T., Yanagawa H. and Koizumi I. (2016) Seasonal variation of flight initiation distance in Eurasian red squirrels in urban versus rural habitat. Journal of Zoology, 298, 225-231

Fukui S., May-MacNally S., Katahira H., Kitano S. and Koizumi I.* (2016) Temporal change in the distribution and composition of native, introduced, and hybrid charrs in northern Japan. Hydrobiologia, 783, 309-316

Ikeda T, Uchida K, Matsuura Y, Takahashi H, Yoshida T, Kaji K and Koizumi I. (2016) Seasonal and diel activity patterns of eight sympatric mammals in northern Japan revealed by an intensive camera-trap survey. PLoS ONE, 11, e0163602

Higa M, Yamaura Y, Senzaki M, Koizumi I, Takenaka T, Masatomi Y. and Momose K. (2016) Scale dependency of two endangered charismatic species as biodiversity surrogates. Biodiversity and Conservation, 25, 1829-1841


Nomi D, Yuta T and Koizumi I. (2015) Offspring sex ratio of Japanese Tits Parus minor is related to laying date and clutch size only in the first clutches. Acta Ornithologica, 50, 213-220

Toyama M., Kotaka N. and Koizumi I. (2015) Breeding timing and nest predation rate of sympatric scops owls with different dietary niche breadth. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 93, 841-847

Harris LN, Bajno R, Gallagher CP, Koizumi I, Johnson L, Taylor EB and Reist JD. (2015) Life-history characteristics and landscape attributes as drivers of genetic variation, gene flow and fine-scale population structure in Northern Dolly Varden Char (Salvelinus malma malma) in Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 72, 1477-1493

Ishiyama N, Koizumi I, Yuta T and Nakamura F. (2015) Differential effects of spatial network structure and scale on population size and genetic diversity of the ninespine stickleback in a remnant wetland system. Freshwater Biology, 60, 733-744

Higa M, Yamaura Y, Koizumi I, Yabuhara Y, Senzaki M and Ono S. (2015) Mapping large-scale bird distributions using occupancy models and citizen data with spatially biased sampling effort. Diversity and Distributions, 21, 46-54.

佐藤真理・小泉逸郎.(2015) 魚類から迫る骨の役割:ラボとフィールドからの挑戦. 細胞, 47, 513-516.


Negishi JN, Soga M, Ishiyama N, Suzuki N, Yuta T, Sueyoshi M., Yamazaki C, Koizumi I., Mizugaki S, Hayashida K, Nunokawa M. and Yoshimura N. (2014) Geomorphic legacy controls macrophyte distribution within and across disconnected floodplain lakes. Freshwater Biology, 59, 942-954.

Kobayashi F, Toyama M. & Koizumi I.* (2014) Potential resource competition between an invasive mammal and native birds: overlap in tree cavity preferences of feral raccoons and Ural owls. Biological Invasions, 16, 1453-1464.

Hashimoto S., Koizumi I.*, Takai K. and Higashi S. (2014) Different habitat salinity between two divergent groups of a worm-like goby Luciogobius guttatus: an indication of cryptic species. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 97, 1169-1177.

Kitano S., Ohdachi S., Koizumi I. and Hasegawa K. (2014) Hybridization between native white-spotted charr and nonnative brook trout in the upper Sorachi River, Hokkaido, Japan. Ichthyological Research, 61, 1-8.

Soga M., Ishiyama N., Sueyoshi M., Yamaura Y., Hayashida K., Koizumi I., Negishi J.N. (2014) Interaction between patch area and shape: ponds with different formation processes have contrasting area and shape effects on macrophyte diversity. Landscape & Ecological Engineering, 10. 55-64.

坂本洋典・森照貴・小泉逸郎(2014)温泉・地熱地帯は生物多様性のホットスポットか? 生物科学, 65, 245-255.


Koizumi I., Kanazawa Y. and Tanaka Y. (2013) The fishermen were right: experimental evidence for tributary refuge hypothesis during floods. Zoologocal Science, 30, 375-379.
Zoological Science Award 受賞 .

系統地理学表紙 池田啓・小泉逸郎(編) (2013)「系統地理学:DNAで解き明かす生きものの自然史」文一総合出版社 pp 314.

小泉逸郎・池田啓(2013)系統地理学の歴史と展望 In:「系統地理学:DNAで解き明かす生きものの自然史」文一総合出版社 pp 7-32

小泉逸郎(2013) ニホンザリガニのDNAに刻まれた北日本の地史:歴史遺産としての遺伝的多様性 In:「系統地理学:DNAで解き明かす生きものの自然史」文一総合出版社 pp 35-60 


Koizumi I., Usio N., Kawai T., Azuma N. and Masuda R. (2012) Loss of genetic diversity means loss of geological information: the endangered Japanese crayfish possessed remarkable historical footprints. PLoS ONE, 7, e33986.

Koizumi I., Hasegawa K. and Kishi D. (2012) Do small tributaries function as refuges from floods? A test in a salmonid-dominated mountainous river. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 21, 165-167.

Kitanishi S., Yamamoto T., Koizumi I., Dunham J. and Higashi S. (2012) Fine scale relationship between sex, life history and dispersal of masu salmon. Ecology and Evolution, 2, 920-929.

Yuta T. and Koizumi I. (2012) Long breeding season and high frequency of multiple brooding in Great Tits in northern Japan. ARDEA, 100, 197-201.


Koizumi I. (2011) Integration of ecology, demography and genetics to reveal population structure and persistence: a mini review and case study of stream-dwelling Dolly Varden. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 20, 352-363.

Azuma N., Usio N., Korenaga T., Koizumi I., and Takamura N. (2011) Genetic population structure of the invasive signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus in Japan inferred from newly developed microsatellite markers. Plankton & Benthos Research, 6, 179-186


Griffiths A.M., Koizumi I., Bright D. and Stevens J. (2009) A case of isolation by distance and short-term temporal stability of population structure in brown trout (Salmo trutta) within the River Dart, southwest England. Evolutionary Applications, 2, 537-554.

Raeymaekers J.A.M., Raeymaekers D., Koizumi I., Geldof S. and Volckaert F.A.M. (2009) Guidelines for restoring connectivity around water mills: a population genetic approach to the management of riverine fish. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46, 562-571.


photo/Fisheries表紙 Dunham J.B., Baxter C., Fausch K.D., Fredenberg W., Kitano S., Koizumi I., Morita K., Nakamura T., Rieman B.E., Savviatova A., Stanford J., Taylor E.B. and Yamamoto S. (2008) Ecology and conservation of Dolly Varden, white-spotted char and bull trout. Fisheries, 33, 537-550.

Koizumi I., Yamamoto S., Nomoto K. and Maekawa K. (2008) Synchrony in local population dynamics of stream-dwelling Dolly Varden: do genetically similar groups show similar demography? Population Ecology, 50, 367-377.

Satake A. and Koizumi I. (2008) Preface in the special feature: Population synchrony in ecological systems. Population Ecology, 50, 325-327.


小泉逸郎 (2007) 文化の違いが生み出す研究スタイルの違い:短時間で高生産、かつリラックスしたフィンランドの研究環境.日本生態学会誌,57,265-269. ぜひ読んでみて下さい!


Koizumi I., Yamamoto S. and Maekawa K. (2006) Decomposed pairwise regression analysis of genetic and geographic distances reveals a metapopulation structure of stream-dwelling Dolly Varden charr. Molecular Ecology, 15, 3175-3189.

Koizumi I., Yamamoto S. and Maekawa K. (2006) Female-biased migration of stream-dwelling Dolly Varden in the Shiisorapuchi River, Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Fish Biology, 68, 1513-1529.

Yamamoto S., Kitano S., Maekawa K., Koizumi I. and Morita K. (2006) Introgressive hybridization between Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma and white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis on Hokkaido Island, Japan. Journal of Fish Biology, 68 (Supplement A), 68-85.

Yamamoto S., Maekawa K., Tamate T., Koizumi I., Hasegawa K. and Kubota H. (2006) Genetic evaluation of translocation in artificially isolated populations of white-spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis). Fisheries Research, 78, 352-358.


Koizumi I., Kobayashi H., Maekawa K., Azuma N. and Nagase T. (2005) Hybridization between endemic Miyabe charr (Salvelinus malma miyabei) and introduced masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) in Shikaribetsu Lake. Ichthyological Research, 52, 83-85.

小泉逸郎 (2005) 河川性サケ科魚類のメタ個体群動態:個人レベルの大規模長期野外調査.日本生態学会誌,55,337-347. おすすめ!(特に後半)


小泉逸郎・山本祥一郎 (2004) サケ科魚類の遺伝的構造 In:「サケ・マスの生態と進化」(前川光司編)文一総合出版社 pp 243-280.

Koizumi I. and Maekawa K. (2004) Metapopulation structure of stream-dwelling Dolly Varden charr inferred from patterns of occurrence in the Sorachi River basin, Hokkaido, Japan. Freshwater Biology, 49, 973-981.

Yamamoto S., Morita K., Koizumi I. and Maekawa K. (2004) Genetic differentiation of white-spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis) populations after habitat fragmentation: spatio-temporal changes of gene frequencies. Conservation Genetics, 5, 529-538.
Yamamoto S., Morita K., Kitano S., Watanabe K., Koizumi I., Maekawa K. and Takamura K. (2004) Phylogeography of white-spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Zoological Science, 21, 229-240.


Koizumi I. and Maekawa K. (2003) Spawning migration of stream-dwelling Dolly Varden in spring-fed tributaries of the Shiisorapuchi River, Japan. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 18, 321-331.


Koseki Y., Koizumi I., Kobayashi H. and Maekawa K. (2002) Does the refuge availability influence the spawning behavior of mature male parr in salmonids? A test in the Miyabe charr. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 64, 87-93.




Koizumi I. (2006) Metapopulation structure and persistence of stream-dwelling Dolly Varden in the Shiisorapuchi River, Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Fish Biology 69 (suppl C): 226-227.

Koizumi I. (2006) A “tributary-mainstream” system function like a “river-ocean” system: seasonal migration of stream-dwelling salmonid in a unique river system in central Hokkaido, Japan. In Kovar K., Hrkal Z. & Bruthans J. (eds.), International Conference on Hydrology and Ecology: The Groundwater/Ecology Connection. Proceedings of HydroEco’2006, September 11-14, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. 351-354.


書ききれないので最近のものだけ 小泉研公式HPをご覧ください。
