Miwa Lab 三輪京子研究室 > Miwa Lab > Publications
Original articles (since 2013)
- Onuh A.F., Miwa K. (2023) Mutations in type II Golgi-localized proton pyrophosphatase AVP2;1/VHP2;1 affect pectic polysaccharide rhamnogalacturonan-II and alter root growth under low boron condition in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14:1255486.
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2023.1255486/full - Sotta N., Chiba Y., Aoyama H., Takamatsu S., Suzuki T., Miwa K., Yamashita Y., Naito S., Fujiwara T. (2022) Translational landscape of a C4 Plant, Sorghum bicolor, under normal and sulfur-deficient conditions. Plant Cell Physiol. Plant and Cell Physiology, 16, 592-604. https://academic.oup.com/pcp/article/63/5/592/6528683
- Sotta, N., Chiba, Y., Miwa, K., Takamatsu, S., Tanaka, M., Yamashita, Y., Naito, S., Fujiwara, T. (2021) Global analysis of boron-induced ribosome stalling reveals its effects on translation termination and unique regulation by AUG-stops in Arabidopsis shoots. Plant Journal, 106, 1455-1467. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/tpj.15248
- Hiroguchi, A., Sakamoto, S., Mitsuda, N., Miwa, K.* (2021) Golgi-localized AtTMN1/EMP12 functions in the deposition of rhamnogalacturonan II and I for cell growth in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 72, 3611–3629. https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erab065
- Aibara, I., Hirai, T., Kasai K., Takano, J., Onouchi, H., Naito, S., Fujiwara, T., Miwa, K.*(2018) “Boron-dependent translational suppression of the borate exporter BOR1 contributes to the avoidance of boron toxicity. ” Plant Physiology, 177, 759-774. http://www.plantphysiol.org/content/177/2/759
- Tanaka, M., Sotta, N., Yamazumi, Y., Yamashita, Y., Miwa, K., Murota, K., Chiba, Y., Hirai, M.Y., Akiyama, T., Onouchi, H., Naito, S., Fujiwara, T. (2016)” The minimum open reading frame, AUG-Stop, induces boron-dependent ribosome stalling and mRNA degradation.” Plant Cell, 28, 2830-2849.
- Miwa, K.*, Aibara, I., Fujiwara T. (2014) “Arabidopsis thaliana BOR4 is upregulated under high boron conditions and confers tolerance to high boron.” Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 60, 349-355
- Takada, S., Miwa, K., Omori, H., Fujiwara, T., Naito, S., *Takano, J. (2014) “Improved tolerance to boron deficiency by enhanced expression of the boron transporter BOR2.” Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 60, 341-348
- Uraguchi, S., Kato, Y., Hanaoka, H., Miwa, K., Fujiwara, T.(2014)“Generation of boron-deficiency-tolerant tomato by overexpressing an Arabidopsis thaliana borate transporter AtBOR1.” Front Plant Sci. 5:125. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00125.
- Suzuki, W., Sugawara, M., Miwa, K.., Morikawa, M. (2014) “Plant growth-promoting bacterium Acinetobacter calcoaceticus P23 increases the chlorophyll content of the monocot Lemna minor (duckweed) and the dicot Lactuca sativa (lettuce).” Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 118, 41-44.
- Ohmori, Y., Inui, Y., Kajikawa, M., Nakata, A., Sotta, N., Kasai, K., Uraguchi, S., Tanaka, N., Nishida, S., Hasegawa, T., Sakamoto, T., Kawara, Y., Aizawa, K., Fujita, H., Li, K., Sawaki, N., Oda, K., Futagoishi, R., Tsusaka, T., Takahashi, S., Takano, J., Wakuta, S., Yoshinari, A., Uehara, M., Takada, S., Nagano, H., Miwa, K., Aibara, I., Ojima, T., Ebana, K., Ishikawa, S., Sueyoshi, K., Hasegawa, H., Mimura, T., Mimura, M., Kobayashi, N., Furukawa, J., Kobayashi, D., Okochi, T., Tanoi, K., Fujiwara, T. (2014) “Cultivar-difference in cesium accumulation in rice grown in the paddy field in the Fukushima-city in the years of 2011 and 2012.”Journal of Plant Research 127, 57-66.
- Miwa, K.*, Wakuta, S., Takada, S., Ide, K., Takano, J., Naito, S., Omori, H., Matsunaga, T., Fujiwara, T. (2013) “Roles of BOR2, an efflux-type boron transporter, in crosslinking of rhamnogalacturonan II and root elongation under boron limitation in Arabidopsis thaliana.” Plant Physiology 163, 1699-1709.
- Onuh, A. F., Miwa, K.* (2021) Regulation, Diversity, and Evolution of Boron Transporters in Plants. Plant and Cell Physiology 62, 590–599. https://academic.oup.com/pcp/article/62/4/590/6133239
- Funakawa, H, Miwa, K.* (2015). “Synthesis of borate cross-linked rhamnogalacturonan II.” Frontiers in Plant Science, 6,223.
- Aibara, I, Miwa, K.* (2014). “Strategies for optimization of mineral nutrient transport in plants: multi-level regulation of nutrient-dependent dynamics of root architecture and transporter activity.” Plant and Cell Physiology 55, 2027-2036.
- 三輪京子 (2015)「アポプラスト内の無機元素の動きと細胞壁の働き」植物の生長調節Vol.50、No.1, P.64-69
Original articles (Before 2013)
- Kajikawa, M., Fujibe, T., Uraguchi, S., Miwa, K., Fujiwara, T. (2011). “Expression of the Arabidopsis borate efflux Transporter Gene, AtBOR4, in Rice Affects the Xylem Loading of Boron and Tolerance to Excess Boron.”Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 75, 2421-2423.
- Miwa, K., Fujiwara, T. (2011). “Role of overexpressed BOR4, a boron exporter, in tolerance to high level of boron in shoots.” Soil Science Plant Nutrition 57, 558-565.
- Kasai, K., Takano, J., Miwa, K., Toyoda, A., Fujiwara, T. (2011). “High boron-induced ubiquitination regulates vacuolar sorting of the BOR1 borate transporter in Arabidopsis thaliana.” J Biol Chem. 286, 6175-6183.
- Takano, J., Tanaka, M., Toyoda, A., Miwa, K., Kasai, K., Fuji, K., Onouchi, H., Naito, S., Fujiwara, T. (2010). “Polar localization and degradation of Arabidopsis boron transporters through distinct trafficking pathways.”Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107, 5220-5225.
- Kato, Y., Miwa, K., Takano, J., Wada, M., Fujiwara, T. (2009). “Highly boron deficiency-tolerant plants generated by enhanced expression of NIP5;1, a boric acid channel.” Plant Cell Physiol. 50, 58-66.
- Miwa, K., Takano, J., Omori, H., Seki, M., Shinozaki, K., Fujiwara, T. (2007). “Plants tolerant of high boron levels.” Science 318, 1417.
- Nakagawa, Y., Hanaoka, H., Kobayashi, M., Miyoshi, K., Miwa, K., Fujiwara, T. (2007). “Cell-type specificity of the expression of Os BOR1, a rice efflux boron transporter gene, is regulated in response to boron availability for efficient boron uptake and xylem loading.” Plant Cell. 19, 2624-2635.
- Miwa, K.*, Takano, J.*, Fujiwara, T. (2006). “Improvement of seed yields under boron-limiting conditions through overexpression of BOR1, a boron transporter for xylem loading, in Arabidopsis thaliana.” Plant Journal. 46, 1084-1091. *contributed equally
- Nozawa, A., Miwa, K., Kobayashi, M., Fujiwara, T. (2006). “Isolation of Arabidopsis thaliana cDNAs that confer yeast boric acid tolerance.” Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 70, 1724-1730.
- Miwa, K., Takano, J., Fujiwara, T. (2005). “Roles of BOR1 paralog in boron transport in Arabidpsis thaliana.”Plant nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection. (Tsinghua University Press), 124-125. (Proceedings)
- Takano, J., Miwa, K., Yuan, L., von Wiren, N., Fujiwara, T. (2005). “Endocytosis and degradation of BOR1, a boron transporter of Arabidopsis thaliana, regulated by boron availability.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 102, 12276-12281.
- Nozawa, A., Takano, J., Miwa, K., Nakagawa, Y., Fujiwara, T. (2005). “Cloning of cDNAs encoding isopropylmalate dehydrogenase from Arabidopsis thaliana and accumulation patterns of their transcripts.”Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 69, 806-810.
- Takano, J., Noguchi, K., Yasumori, M., Kobayashi, M., Gajdos, Z., Miwa, K., Hayashi, H., Yoneyama, T., Fujiwara, T. (2002). “Arabidopsis boron transporter for xylem loading.” Nature 420, 337-340.
Review (Before 2013)
- Miwa K, Tanaka M, Kamiya T, Fujiwara T. (2010). “Molecular mechanisms of boron transport in plants: involvement of Arabidopsis NIP5;1 and NIP6;1.” Adv Exp Med Biol. 679, 83-96.
- Miwa, K., Fujiwara, T. (2010). “Boron transport in plants: co-ordinated regulation of transporters.” Annals of Botany, 105(7), 1103-1108 .
- Miwa, K., Fujiwara, T. (2010). “Role of boron in plant growth and its transport mechanisms.” (book chapter)Cell Biology of Metals and Nutrients, Plant Cell Monographs 17 1-15R. Mendel and R. Hell eds., Springer Press
- Fuji, K., Miwa, K., Fujiwara, T. (2009) “The intracellular transport of transporters; Membrane trafficking of mineral transporters.” Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 12, 699-704.
- Miwa, K., Kamiya, T., Fujiwara, T. (2009). “Homeostasis of the structurally important micronutrients, B and Si.” Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 12, 307-311.
- Takano, J., Miwa, K., Fujiwara, T. (2008). “Boron transport mechanisms: collaboration of channels and transporters” Trends in Plant Science, 13, 451-457.
総説(日本語) (Before 2013)
- 三輪京子、高野順平、藤原徹 (2008) 「植物におけるホウ素輸送の分子機構と制御 輸送能増強による欠乏耐性および過剰耐性植物の作出」 蛋白質核酸酵素 Vol.53 No.9 p.1173-1179
- 三輪京子、藤原徹 (2008) 「半乾燥地の不良土壌に多く見られるホウ酸過剰に耐性な植物の作出に成功」 生物系特定産業技術研究支援機構「ブレインテクノニュース」 No.127, p.12-15
- 三輪京子、藤原徹 (2008) 「高濃度のホウ素に耐性な植物の作出に成功」 細胞工学 Vol.27 No.4 p.374-375
- 三輪京子、藤原徹 (2008)「植物養分吸収系の分子改良による植物バイオマス増産」 バイオインダストリー 第25巻 第4号 p.32-41
- 三輪京子、藤原徹 (2007) 「生物にとってのホウ素とは -必須性と毒性の理解と応用」バイオサイエンスとインダストリー Vol.65, No.9 p.8-13
- 高野順平、三輪京子、藤原徹 (2006) 「ホウ素輸送の分子メカニズム」 化学と生物 Vol.44, No.12 p.823-830
- 三輪京子、藤原徹 (2003) 「ホウ素トランスポーターの同定と植物のホウ素輸送における役割」 生物系特定産業技術研究推進機構「ブレインテクノニュース」 95, p.12-15
- 三輪京子、高野順平、藤原徹 (2003) 「ホウ素トランスポーター」 細胞工学別冊 植物細胞工学シリーズ18 「植物の膜輸送システム」 p.82-85
- 藤原徹、高野順平、小林正治、三輪京子 (2002) 「生物におけるホウ素の輸送と機能 -植物を中心に-」 植物化学調節学会「植物の生長調節」 Vol.37 No.2, p.99-109
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