Welcome to Miwa Lab
How do immobile plants respond and adapt to changing soil environments?
We aim to understand molecular mechanisms of plant responses to environmental stresses and
develop plants tolerant to nutrient deficiency and toxicity.
What′s New
- 2024/10/25 New students have joined our lab in October
- 2023/08/30 A research paper on AVP2;1 (Onuh and Miwa) was published in Frontiers in Plant Science.
- 2021/06/07 Our review paper on boron transport (Onuh and Miwa) was published in Plant and Cell Physiology.
- 2021/05/05 Our paper on TMN1 (Hiroguchi et al.) was published in Journal of Experimental Botany.
- 2018/05/04 Our paper (Aibara et al.) was published in Plant Physiology.
- 2015/03/25 Review paper on borate-crosslinked pectin by Funakawa and Miwa was accepted for publication in Frontiers in Plant Science.
- 2014/11/07 Review paper on mineral transport by Aibara and Miwa was accepted for publication in Plant and Cell Physiology.
- 2014/07/17 A new web page is open.
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