Since: [1997.07.21] Updated: [2008/04/09]

環境分子生物学分野 | 生物圏科学専攻 | 地球環境科学研究院 |      北海道大学     |

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山崎 健一
(Ken-ichi Ymazaki)


C 709 号室

GCOE サイトでの人物紹介(person)

趣味テニス・スキー(Tennis / Skiing),特技:少林寺拳法・バレーボール・競技舞踏・社交ダンス(Shorin-ji-kenpou / Volleyball / Social Dancing)


教育技術アドバイザー:(有)メンデル工房サイエンス教室 (Science School) での小学生の理科実験指導 (Teaching science to kids).

所属学会 (Academic conference)

学会賞の受賞 (Receiving an award)

化学教育有功賞(日本化学会), 2008 3 .

特許 (Patents)


植物のエチレン応答転写コアクチベータ. 特許第 3848173 , (September 1, 2006)

植物を用いたエストロゲン様物質の検出方法. 特願第 2004-196404 , (July 2, 2004)


Ethylene-Responsive Transcription coactivator in Plant. Patent (US) No.: 7,238,857 B2, (July 3, 2007)

Method for Detecting Estrogen-Like Chemicals by Plant. Patent No.: WO 2006/003854 A1, (January 12, 2006)

発表論文等 (Publications)


Maruyama, Y., Yamoto, N., Suzuki, Y., Chiba, Y., Yamazaki, K-I., Sato, T., Yamaguchi, J., The Arabidopsis transcriptional repressor ERF9 participates in resistance against necrotrophic fungi. Plant Sci, 213: 79-87, (2013).

Mauro, M., Iglesias, M., Arce, D., Valle, E., Arnold, R., Tsuda, K., Yamazaki, K-I., Casalongué, C., Godoy, A., MBF1s regulate ABA-dependent germination of Arabidopsis seeds, Plant Signaling & Behavior, 7(2): 15, (2012)

Arce, D., Godoy, A., Tsuda, K., Yamazaki, K-I., Valle, E., Iglesias, M., Mauro, M., Casalongu, C. :The Analysis of An ArabidopsisTriple Knock-Down Mutant Reveals Functions for MBF1 Genes under Oxidative Stress Conditions. J Plant Physiol, 167: 194-200, (2010).

Tojo, T., Tsuda, K., Yoshizumi, T., Ikeda, A., Yamaguchi, J., Matsui, M. and Yamazaki, K.,: Arabidopsis MBF1s Control Leaf Cell Cycle and its Expansion. Plant Cell Physiol, 50(2): 254-264, (2009).

Takahashi, Y., Tojo, T., Nagahora, S. and Yamazaki, K.,: Direct Determination of Estrogenic and Antiestrogenic Activities Using an Enhanced Plant Two-Hybrid System. J Agric Food Chem, 55(8): 2923-2929, (2007).

Tojo, T., Tsuda, K., Wada, T. and Yamazaki, K.,: A simple and extremely sensitive system for detecting estrogenic activity using transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Ecotxicology and Environmental Safety, 64: 106-114, (2006).

Tojo, T., Tsuda, K., Wada, T. and Yamazaki, K.,: Development a system for monitoring estrogenic activity using transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. J Environmental Biotechnology, 5(1): 31-36, (2005).

Sugikawa, Y., Ebihara, S., Tsuda, K., Niwa, Y. and Yamazaki, K.,: Transcriptional coactivator MBF1s from Arabidopsis predominantly localize in nucleus. J Plant Research. 118: 431-437, (2005).

東條卓人, 津田賢一, 和田朋子, 山崎健一,:女性ホルモンを見つける植物, 廃棄物学会誌, 15(5): 247-253 (2004).

Tsuda, K., Tsuji, T., Hirose, S. and Yamazaki, K.,: Three Arabidopsis MBF1 Homologs with with Distinct Expression Profiles Play Roles as Transcriptional Co-activators. Plant Cell Physiol, 45(2): 225-231, (2004).

Tsuda, K., and Yamazaki, K.,: Structure and expression analysis of three subtypes of Arabidopsis MBF1 genes. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1680: 1-10, (2004).

Higuchi, E., Oridate, N., Furuta, Y., Suzuki, S., Hatakeyama, H., Sawa, H., Sunayashiki-Kusuzaki, K., Yamazaki, K., Inuyama, Y., Fukuda, S.,: Differentially expressed genes associated with CIS-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) resistance in head and neck cancer using differential display and CDNA microarray. Head & Neck 25(3): 187-193, (2003).

山崎健一, 橋本博支, 田中祐二,:DNA マイクロアレイの基本技術の最適化, 臨床検査, 46(6): 667-680 (2002).

畠山博充, 古田 康, 本間明宏, 折舘伸彦, 鈴木清護, 永橋立望, 八木克憲, 犬山征夫, 福田 輸, 山崎健一, 楠崎幸作,:cDNA マイクロアレイを用いた鼻副鼻腔癌及び前癌病変における遺伝子発現の検討, 頭頚部腫瘍, 28(1): 269-274 (2002).

Suzuka, I., Yamagawa, Y., Yamazaki, K., Ueda, T., Nakagawa, H., Hashimoto, J.: Biochemical and Immunological characterization of rice homologues of the human immunodeficiency virus-1 Tat binding protein and subunit 4 of human 26S proteasome subunits. Plant Mol Biol 37: 495-504 (1998).

Yamaguchi, Y., Itoh, Y., Takeda, Y., Yamazaki, K.: TATA sequence requirements for the Initiation of transcription for a RNA polymerase II in vitro transcription system from Nicotiana tabacum. Plant Mol Biol. 38: 1247-1252, (1998).

Iwataki, N., Hoya, A., Yamazaki, K.: Restoration of TATA-dependent transcription in a heat-inactivated extract of tobacco nuclei by recombinant TATA-binding protein (TBP) from tobacco. Plant Mol Biol 34: 69-79 (1997).

Shimizu, S., Itoh, Y., Yamazaki, K.: Temperature-dependent increase in the DNA-binding activity of a heat shock factor in an extract of tobacco cultured cells. Plant Mol Biol 31: 13-22 (1996).

Yoshida, K., Kasai, T., Garcia, M. R. C., Sawada, S., Shimizu, S., Yamazaki, K., Komeda, Y. & Shinmyo, A.: Heat-inducible expression system for foreign gene in cultured tobacco cells with using the HSP18.2 promoter of Arabidopsis thaliana. Applied Microbiol Biotech 44: 466-472 (1995).

Takeda, Y., Hirokawa, H., & Yamazaki, K.: Bending of DNA in solution caused by a protein from Arabidopsis that binds to a TATA element. Biosci Biotech Biochem 58(5): 916-920, (1994).

Yamaguchi, Y., Mukumoto, F., Imaseki, H., & Yamazaki, K.: Preparation of an in vitro transcription system of plant origin, with methods and templates for assessing its fidelity. Plant Molecular Bilogy Manual (Gelvin SB, Schilperoort RA, Verma DPS, eds, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht) E2: 1-15, (1994).

Uozumi, N., Inoue, Y., Yamazaki, K., & Kobayashi, T.: Light activation of expression associated with the tomato rbcS promoter in transformed tobacco cell line BY-2. J Biotechnology 36: 55-62 (1994).

Ishige, F., Mori, H., Yamazaki, K. & Imaseki, H.: Identification of a basic glycoprotein induced by ethylene in primary leaves of azuki bean as a cationic peroxidase. Plant Physiol, 101: 193-199 (1993).

Ishige, F., Mori, H., Yamazaki, K. & Imaseki, H.: Cloning of a complementary DNA that encodes an acidic chitinase which is induced by ethylene and expression of the corresponding gene. Plant & Cell Physiol, 34(1): 103-111 (1993).

Mukumoto, F., Hirose, S., Imaseki, H., & Yamazaki, K.: DNA sequense requirement of a TATA-binding protein from Arabidopsis for transcription in vitro. Plant Mol Biol 23: 995-1003, (1993).

Ishige, F., Yamazaki, K., Mori, H. & Imaseki, H.: The effects of ethylene on the coordinated synthesis of multiple proteins: Accumulation of an acidic chitinase and a basic glycoprotein induced by ethylene in leaves of azuki bean, Vigna angularis. Plant & Cell Physiol, 32(5): 681-690 (1991).

Nakagawa, N., Mori, H., Yamazaki, K. & Imaseki, H.: Cloning of a complementary DNA for Auxin-induced 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase and differential expression of the gene by auxin and wounding. Plant & Cell Physiol, 32(8): 1153-1163 (1991).

Katagiri, F., Yamazaki, K., Horikoshi, M., Roeder, R.G. & Chua N.-H.: A Plant DNA-binding protein increases the number of active preinitiation complexes in a human in vitro transcription system. Genes & Development, 4: 1899-1909 (1990).

Imaseki, H., Nakajima, N., Nakagawa, N., Mori, H. & Yamazaki, K.: Wound induction of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase and its regulation. Polyamines and Ethylene: Biochemistry, Physiology, and Interactions, (HE Flores, RN Arteca, JC Shannon, eds; American Society of Plant Physiologists) pp 180-189 (1990).

Nakajima, N., Mori, H., Yamazaki, K. & Imaseki, H.: Molecular cloning and sequence of a complementary DNA encoding 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase induced by tissue wounding. Plant & Cell Physiol, 31(7): 1021-1029 (1990).

Amaya, Y., Yamazaki, K., Sato, M., Noda, K., Nishino, T. & Nishino, T.: Proteolytic conversion of xanthine dehydrogenase from the NAD-dependent type to the O2-dependent type. J Biol Chem, 265(24): 14170-14175 (1990).

Yamazaki, K., Chua, N.-H. & Imaseki, H.: Accurate transcription of plant genes in vitro using a wheat germ-chromatin extract. Plant Mol Biol Report, 8(2): 114-123 (1990).

Yamazaki, K., Katagiri, F., Imaseki, H. & Chua, N.-H.: TGA1a, a tobacco DNA-binding protein, increases the rate of initiation in a plant in vitro transcription system. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 87: 7035-7039 (1990).

Yamazaki, K. & Immamoto, F.: Selective and accurate initiation of transcription at the T-DNA promoter in a soluble chromatin extract from wheat germ. Mol Gen Genet 209: 445-452 (1987).

Yamazaki, K., Nishino, T. & Tsushima, K.: Isolation of cDNA sequence coding for a part of xanthine dehydrogenase from rat liver. In: Edmondson DE and McCormick DB (eds) Flavins and Flavoproteins 1987. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, 425-428 (1987).

Yamazaki, K., Nagata, A., Kano, Y. & Imamoto, F.: Isolation and characterization of nucleoid proteins from Escherichia coli. Mol Gen Genet, 196:217-224 (1984).

Yamazaki, K. & Sugiyama, T.: Factor(s) protecting pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase of Panicum maximum against cold-inactivation. Plant & Cell Physiol, 25(7): 1319-1322 (1984).

山崎健一, 今本文男: アガロースゲル内の DNA RNA の高感度銀染色法, 蛋白質核酸酵素, 共立出版, 27(10): 1277-1279 (1982).



山崎健一,: 探訪記 iGEM「生物ロボットコンテスト」2011, 実験医学, 30(9): 1486-1488 (2012).

山崎健一,: カガクへの視点 科学者脳を量産する方法, 化学, 67(12): 11 (2012).

山崎健一,: Science & Communication, 理想, 104: 9-10 (2012).

東條卓人, 高橋洋介, 山崎健一, : 植物バイオセンサーを用いた低コスト・無菌操作不要のステロイド系化合物活性測定法. New Food Industry. 50(5): 38-48 (2008).

東條卓人, 高橋洋介, 山崎健一,: 遺伝子組換え植物を用いたエストロゲン様物質の検出, 環境修復の科学と技術, 北海道大学大学院環境科学院編, pp. 99-114 (2007).

山崎健一,: 北海道における DNA チップビジネスの育成, 北海道医誌, 77(2): 149-150 (2002).

山崎健一,: 植物遺伝子の転写調節機構の研究, 学術月報, 日本学術振興会, 48(8): 90 (1995).

山崎健一,: 植物遺伝子の転写装置とその調節機構,蛋白質核酸酵素, 共立出版, 37(17): 141-149 (1992).

山崎健一, 今関英雅: 植物遺伝子のインビトロ転写法, 植物細胞工学, 秀潤社, 2(6): 741-748 (1990).

山崎健一: 植物遺伝子を用いたインビトロ転写システム, 化学と生物, 26(9): 555-556 (1988).

山崎健一, 黒木和之, 加納康正, 今本文男,: 遺伝子発現と DNA 超ラセン構造, 生物物理, 日本生物物理学会, (24)5: 240-248 (1984).



山崎健一, 伊藤健史,: 遺伝子デザイン学入門I-かんたんデザイン編-, 北海道大学出版会, ISBN978-4-8329-7413-5 C1047, (2012). (共著)

山崎健一,: レーヴン/ジョンソン生化学()原書第7版, 翻訳委員会監訳, 培風館, 東京, (2007). (翻訳委員会委員として編集)

山崎健一,: レーヴン/ジョンソン生化学()原書第7版, 翻訳委員会監訳, 培風館, 東京, (2006). (翻訳委員会委員として編集)

山崎健一: わくわく自由研究 1, 国土社, ISBN4-337-16511-8, (2005). (単著)

山崎健一: わくわく自由研究 2, 国土社, ISBN4-337-16512-6, (2005). (単著)

山崎健一: わくわく・びっくりサイエンス教室(小学校3年生), 国土社, ISBN4-337-16501-0 C8340, (2004). (単著)

山崎健一: わくわく・びっくりサイエンス教室(小学校4年生), 国土社, ISBN4-337-16502-9 C8340, (2004). (単著)

山崎健一: わくわく・びっくりサイエンス教室(小学校5年生), 国土社, ISBN4-337-16503-7 C8340, (2004). (単著)

山崎健一: わくわく・びっくりサイエンス教室(小学校6年生), 国土社, ISBN4-337-16504-5 C8340, (2004). (単著)

山崎健一: わくわく・びっくりサイエンス教室(小学校チャレンジ編), 国土社, ISBN4-337-16505-3 C8340, (2004).

山崎健一: 転写装置, 「植物遺伝子のサイエンス」, 長田・内宮 編, 講談社サイエンティフィック, pp 1-10 (1994). (分担執筆)

山崎健一, 片桐文章, ナムハイ=チュア, 今関英雅,: 試験管内転写系による植物転写因子の機能解析, 「植物全能性の分子生物学」, 駒嶺穆 編, 朝倉書店, pp. 219-235 (1991). (分担執筆)

杉山達夫, 山崎健一,: C4 植物の温度適応, 「資源植物」, 赤沢 尭編, 学会出版センター, 東京, pp. 121-137 (1986). (分担執筆)



Tojo, T., Tsuda, K. and Yamazaki, K., (2008) Arabidopsis MBF1s Play a Crucial Role for Controlling Leaf Cell Expansion through Regulating The Expression of Endoreduplication-Related Factors. 19th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research.

Tsuda, K., Tsuji, T., Hirose, S. and Yamazaki, K., (2003) Tissue-specific Expression of Three Genes of Co-activator, MBF1, in Arabidopsis thaliana. 7th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology.

Yamazaki, K., Itoh, Y. (1997) Restoration of TATA-dependent transcription in a heat-inactivated extract of tobacco nuclei by recombinant TATA-binding protein (TBP) from tobacco. 5th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology.

Shimizu, S., Yamaguchi, Y., Yamazaki, K. (1994) Heat response of transcriptional activation associated with HSP 18.2 promoter in tobacco nuclear extract. 4th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology.

Yamaguchi, Y., Imaseki, H., Yamazaki, K. (1994) Tobacco in vitro transcription system can reconstitute transcriptional activation. 4th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology.

Yamaguchi, Y., Takeda, Y., Mukumoto, F., Imaseki, H., Yamazaki, K. (1993) Characterization of TATA Box-Binding Protein, aTBP-1, from Arabidopsis. International Botanical Congress.

Yamaguchi, Y., Takeda, Y., Imaseki, H., Yamazaki, K. (1993) Reconstitution of Class II Transcription Machinery from Nuclear Extract of Tobacco Cultured Cell. International Botanical Congress.

Imaseki, H., Yamagishi, N., Mori, H., Yamazaki, K. (1993) Differential Expression of Isozyme Genes for ACC Synthase and the Effects of Plant Hormones. International Botanical Congress.

Yamazaki, K., Mukumoto, F., Imaseki, H. (1992) Molecular Mechanism of transcriptional Regulation on Plant Genes. Japan-US Cooperative Photoconversion and Photosynthesis Research Program.


山崎研究室 | 環境分子生物学分野 | 生物圏科学専攻 | 地球環境科学研究院 |      北海道大学    

(Our group)   |   (Our Lab)               |    (Our division)    |       (Our school)        | (Hokkaido University)


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